Restless Leg Syndrome: It Loses Your Sleep, Decreases Your Quality of Life!

Restless legs syndrome is a condition that can affect people of all ages and is characterized by a feeling of restlessness that worsens especially in the evening and before sleep.

This feeling creates a need to move in the legs and causes the need to constantly move them. Although movement may provide temporary relief, the restlessness often returns.

Experts state that this syndrome causes sleep problems and the risk of occurrence increases especially in cases such as iron deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes and pregnancy.

Iron Deficiency Is Dangerous During Pregnancy

Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Barış Metin emphasizes that restless legs syndrome is frequently seen during pregnancy and that insufficiency of iron stores can lead to this syndrome and sleep problems. Prof. Dr. Metin says that iron deficiency is not always the underlying cause, and other nutritional deficiencies such as B group vitamin deficiency may also be effective.

Underlying Causes Should Be Determined

To deal with restless legs syndrome, it is important to first identify and treat the underlying causes. If there are nutritional deficiencies such as iron deficiency or vitamin deficiency, supplementation is recommended. If symptoms do not improve despite these measures or if there are no underlying causes, drug treatment may be required.

Drugs Increase the Amount of Dopamine

Drugs frequently used in restless legs syndrome are drugs that increase the amount of dopamine in the brain. These drugs are also used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and are often used as first-line treatment.

Nutrition and Sleep Hygiene are Important

Stating that reviewing eating habits and consuming or not consuming certain foods plays an important role in coping with restless leg syndrome. Dr. Barış Metin says that it is important to avoid heavy meals and caffeinated drinks in the evening. Regular sleep patterns and sleep hygiene practices can also relieve symptoms. This includes habits such as going to sleep and waking up at regular times, avoiding stimulants in the evening, and doing relaxing activities.

Exercise Provides Temporary Relief

Restless legs syndrome can create an urge to move in many people. With this urge, people often try to relieve restlessness by exercising. However, this may provide temporary relief and may not be a permanent solution. Walking, cycling, or doing regular aerobic exercise can improve overall sleep quality.

Antidepressants Should Be Cautioned

Some medications, such as antidepressants, can cause restless legs syndrome or worsen symptoms. In this case, it is important to consult a psychiatrist and re-evaluate drug therapy.