Mayor Yalçın: “We Have Done Good Works and We Have Always Made Firsts”

Mayor Yalçın first met with the employees working in the field at the Technical Units Construction Site in Mevlana District.

In the program attended by vice presidents and relevant managers, Mayor Yalçın said, “Thank you. God bless you." He started his speech by saying.


Mayor Yalçın said, “First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your outstanding efforts. When we started our duty together 5 years ago, we said, 'The elections in the next 5 years will start from today, if Allan allows.' Elections are people's report cards. Our report card is our work. We said that just telling you about the work done by our municipality would be enough. Thank God, we will continue to work together again. First, we said, let's celebrate with our friends working in the field at the construction site, and then we will celebrate at the municipality service building. May God bless you and your loved ones with many happy holidays. “Have a blessed holiday.” he said.


“We did good things. “We always broke new ground.” Mayor Yalçın said, “For example, disabled vehicle maintenance and repair workshop, crime scene investigation, transparent room, etc. We always received thanks for these. I convey these thanks to you. "This meeting of ours was both a thank you and a celebration." he said.

After his speech, President Yalçın greeted the staff one by one and congratulated them on their holidays. Mayor Yalçın then went to the municipality service building and toured the units there and congratulated the staff on their holiday.