Nutrition Recommendations to Protect Health in Spring

ISTANBUL (IGFA) – Spring has come and flowers bloom in nature. As nature changes during this period, it also signals us to put our body and immune system into spring mode. So, what are the natural resources that will support this issue?

Expert Dietitian Nilay Keçeci Arpacı lists nutritional suggestions that will protect our health and increase our body energy in the spring months.

Stating that everyone will experience a slowdown in their metabolism from time to time, Keçeci Arpacı stated that this situation may be observed more frequently, especially during seasonal transitions, and therefore it is necessary to stay away from foods that may slow down the metabolism during this period.

“For example, do not leave your body dehydrated,” said Keçeci Arpacı, adding, “Choose foods with high water content, such as cucumber. Do not consume too much salt; But if you are going to use salt, choose iodized salt. Do not use non-iodized salt. Stay away from diets with strict and uniform nutritional content. If you do not eat adequately and balancedly, your metabolism will slow down. Remember that excess of everything is harmful. "Refined sugar, lactose, rice, pasta, processed meats, fried vegetables, frozen foods, excessive caffeine, sherbet desserts, salty snacks can all slow down your metabolism if consumed in excess," he said.


Specialist Dietitian Nilay Keçeci Arpacı stated that as the weather gets warmer, more movement and more energy will be spent, which may lead to more frequent hunger and more eating behavior.

“When you are hungry and need energy, do not think, "I will eat whatever I find, as long as I am satisfied." Choose foods that will improve your health while giving you energy. Because foods that satisfy your hunger and provide short-term energy will still make you hungry at the same speed. This may come back to you with excess calories and weight gain. Include foods such as eggs and oats in your diet that will keep you full for longer. If you are careful to consume snacks, sudden hunger crises will not occur. Be aware of eating in general. Adopt a slow, careful and selective eating style. Eat in small bites and try to notice the taste and aroma of the food. Chew your food well while eating. “Feel the taste of every food and reach a feeling of satiety. And if possible, do not interact with anyone or anything around you while eating and just spend time eating.”

By the way, although fluid consumption varies from person to person in the spring months, Arpacı argues that it should be around 2 liters on average and said, “Consuming less water affects the metabolic rate and this may cause you to gain weight. Again, not meeting daily fluid needs also affects daily energy. You may feel tired and weak during the day because your body is dehydrated. For this reason, make sure that water consumption is around 2 liters, regardless of other drinking liquids. Regular and quality sleep affects our body in the same way as water. Quality and regular sleep; "It affects our organs, metabolism, immune system, growth and development hormones," he said.