Little Hands Tackle Big Things in Eskişehir

Students from Cemalettin Gökay Kindergarten and Private Etkin College Primary School visited Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality Parks and Gardens Department Nursery and Green Areas Branch Directorate within the scope of the "Hands Hugging Nature" event.

The production facilities of the Metropolitan Municipality continue to host students by hosting theoretical and practical training.

The students of Cemalettin Gökay Kindergarten and Private Etkin College Primary School, who visited the Nursery and Green Areas Branch Directorate of the Metropolitan Municipality Parks and Gardens Department, were given various information about the growth stages of the plant by the staff and the importance of plants for the sustainability of life in nature was explained.

Afterwards, fun games were held where the little students were given information about nature. During the visit, seed planting and seed ball activities were also held with the students in the greenhouses affiliated with the Nursery and Green Areas Branch Directorate.

Educational and entertaining activities were completed with photographs taken.