Özgür Kabadayı Started to Work in Şile

After the certificate delivery ceremony held at Şile District Election Board, Mayor Özgür Kabadayı, who walked to Şile Municipality Square accompanied by a dense crowd, received the Municipality seal from former Mayor İlhan Ocaklı. Speaking at the handover ceremony held in the Presidency, Mayor Özgür Kabadayı said; “May God bless those who put stone upon stone for Şile. We would like to thank our President İlhan and all our previous presidents for their services. Serving Şile is a duty of loyalty. "We have come to pay this debt of loyalty," he said.


Addressing the enthusiastic crowd gathered in Şile Municipality Square, Mayor Özgür Kabadayı said, “I would like to thank you, my dear neighbors, for trusting us and for appointing us to this proud and honorable position with your votes. From now on, we will work hard to be worthy of your love, trust and support. "We will solve the needs of our Şile one by one and bring it together with the beauties it deserves," he said.

Stating that we have a very good period ahead of us, President Özgür Kabadayı said; “This period, we will prioritize the real needs of Şile. We will embrace our people, our neighborhoods, from 7 to 77. With your support, an era in which the people of Şile ruled Şile began. We will work hard to be worthy of your trust and love. Our Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality has fulfilled the promises we made during the election. Ekrem İmamoğlu We will fulfill it one by one together. "We will open our Şile Municipality Medical Center, one of our biggest projects, in 2024," he said.

After Şile Mayor Özgür Kabadayı said that they wanted to entrust a green Şile to future generations, his words "We will not give any land of Şile to anyone" attracted attention.
Addressing the Şile Municipality employees once again, the new president said, “My dear brothers, we stand against the politics made through you. In Şile Municipality, everyone will be able to support the political party they wish without any pressure. But let's not be partisan inside, he wanted all municipal employees to just mind their jobs within the institution.