Fifth Disease: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

What is Fifth Disease?

Fifth disease is an infection caused by the Parvovirus B19 virus and usually occurs in children and young adults between the ages of 5 and 15. The disease, also known as 'slapped cheek syndrome', manifests itself with a red rash on the cheeks.

What are the Symptoms of Fifth Disease?

Fifth disease usually begins with mild flu-like symptoms. Following symptoms such as fever, weakness, headache, restlessness and swollen lymph nodes, cheeks turn red as if they were slapped and rashes appear on the hands and feet.

Ways to Prevent Fifth Disease

  • There is no specific vaccine against fifth disease; However, it is important to pay attention to hygiene rules to protect from infection.
  • Avoiding close contact with sick people and washing hands frequently are effective in preventing infection.
  • Fifth disease usually has a mild course and heals spontaneously. However, it is important for individuals at risk (in cases such as pregnancy) to consult a doctor to protect themselves from infection.