Winners of the National Anthem Singing Competition Announced

Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality KAYMEK A.Ş. The winners of the 12nd National Anthem Singing Competition, organized by A.Ş. with the slogan 'The Future Gives Voice to Independence' within the scope of the anniversary of the adoption of the National Anthem on March 837, and in which a total of 2 young people participated, have been announced.

President Dr. organizes cultural and social events for all citizens, especially children and young people. The Metropolitan Municipality, under the management of Memduh Büyükkılıç, continues to bring its special events to the people of Kayseri within the scope of special days that have a special importance and meaning for the Turkish nation.

In this context, the National Anthem Recitation Competition organized by Kayseri Vocational Education and Culture Inc. (KAYMEK) on the anniversary of the acceptance of the National Anthem, written by the National Poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy and presented to the Turkish nation, attracted great attention this year as well.

In order to ensure that young people understand and assimilate the world of thought of the Poet of Independence Mehmet Akif Ersoy, the Turkish-Islamic ideal, and his commitment to the nation, the competition organized with the slogan "Istiklal gives voice to Independence" was attended by students between the ages of 4-11 and 12-18 who are studying or residing within the borders of Kayseri province. A total of 837 applications were received in two different categories.

The Jury Held its Evaluation Meeting

Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General Serdar Öztürk, Head of Business and Affiliates Department Cenani Ayaydın, KAYMEK Manager Denizhan Burhan Çanakpınar and expert trainers in their fields were evaluated by the jury in both categories for mastery of the National Anthem, enthusiastic reading, reflecting the spirit of independence, adding emotion, The applications were evaluated sensitively by the jury, taking into account criteria such as decor, vocal speed, body language (gestures and facial expressions), emphasis, intonation and diction.

As a result of the evaluation of the applications, the young people who were ranked in two different categories received a 10" tablet for the first place, an 8" tablet for the second place and a 7" tablet for the third place winners; As an honorable mention, smart watches will be given to three people in two different categories. The award ceremony will be held at the Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality Assembly Hall on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 14.00, which is the Adoption of the National Anthem and Mehmet Akif Ersoy Commemoration Day.

Here are the winners of the competition

In this context, the contestants who ranked were as follows:

“4 – 11 Age Group; Elif Eslem Yılmaz came first, Nisa Gül Güven came second, Süleyman Doğanay came third, while Fatma Erva Alçı, Işılay Çalışır and Irmak Mira Keske were deemed worthy of honorable mention. 12 – 18 Age Group: "While Ümmihani Oğuz came first, Zeynep Meva Şimşek second and İlke Avvuran third, Öykü Şen, Yaren Kaplan and Lin Medeniye were deemed worthy of honorable mention."