The Causes of Pain in Your Body May Be Emotional!

Psychological Counselor Ekrem Çağrı Öztürk gave information about the subject. Many people in our country experience headaches, neck and shoulder pain, abdominal pain, migraine or weight problems. Many people think that these problems are caused by sitting problems, busy work schedule, and irregular eating. Of course, these situations lead to these problems. However, it should not be ignored that the disease is a result. Many of our disorders are psychosomatic. If we cannot stay in the moment, if we constantly take responsibility, if we cannot express our emotions, if we are constantly stressed and drowning in thoughts, we may not be able to focus on how we sit, we may eat too much without realizing it and forget our body. We need to know that every disease first starts in the soul and then spreads to the body. Our aching body actually calls us to take care of ourselves. We can see these difficulties as an opportunity and begin the journey of understanding ourselves.

Our emotions, thoughts and body are a whole. When we encounter a person we love on the street, we can get excited and our heart beats. We may become tense and blush when we are in the same environment with a person we do not like. As can be seen, emotions, thoughts and body react as a whole in many events we experience. Thinking that these progress independently of each other prevents the person from focusing on his mental health.

Emotions and thoughts are evident. Sometimes we may have difficulty defining what we feel. Thoughts may come vaguely, one after the other, and it may not be easy to catch them. However, the main thing is the body. The body is concrete. If we listen to what our body tells us, we can understand ourselves better.

Our body has a language. Let's explain how the emotional and intellectual difficulties we experience are reflected in our bodies with a few examples. For example, people who constantly take responsibility for their environment or perfectionists may experience back pain. This is the reflection of the psychological burden it carries on the body. His body tells him that he can no longer bear the burden. If he doesn't listen to his body more, the body will increase its violence even more until the person hears it and changes it. Anxious people who constantly think about the future may experience headaches. After an hour, he may feel that he cannot get out of his job and this time he may face migraine attacks.

When we are little, we have no psychological teeth. We swallow without chewing what is given to us by our family and environment. Things swallowed without chewing may harm the person in the future. Just as reflux and stomach pain can be an indigestion problem, things that a person cannot digest psychologically can lead to physiological complaints. Some exam-age children experience constant abdominal pain. These kids want to succeed. He thinks that when he succeeds, he will be seen and appreciated. The child begins to worry, thinking that he will be judged if he does not succeed. This child's environment may need to include behaviors such as swallowing without chewing, taught by the child's environment.

Psychological Counselor Ekrem Çağrı Öztürk said, "Some people want to eliminate their problems by minimizing them. They spend a lot of effort not to think. They bury their emotions so deeply that their bodies can give them acne and eczema problems. This time they want to eliminate their pimples by squeezing them. Even though removing the acne works at the moment, it has penetrated the skin. Just as physiological disorders do not go away immediately and have a cure, they require attention and care in our soul. We must look for ways to value ourselves and discover how to relate to ourselves. We need to know how aware we are of our wants and needs. For these reasons, we must stay in the moment and listen to the things we have difficulty with. We must not forget that unexpressed emotions are buried within us and later appear in a more intense and difficult way.” said.