The Dream of Primary School Student Mıkkırdı in Amasya Comes True

The dream of Oğuz Kağan Mıkkırdı, a 1st grade student at Amasya Bahçeleriçi Şehit Recep Gülen Primary School, was made real by the Amasya Provincial Police Department.

Oğuz Kağan Mıkkırtı (1), a 6st grade student at Bahçeleriçi Şehit Recep Gülen Primary School, made his dreams come true with the video in which he told his teacher that he dreamed of becoming a traffic police officer. Oğuz Kağan Mıkkırdı's mother, who sent the video to the social media account of Amasya Provincial Police Department, was invited to the Provincial Police Department upon the instructions of Amasya Provincial Police Chief Ali Kemal Kurt.

After the police teams hosted Oğuz Kağan at the traffic training park, Oğuz Kağan Mıkkırtı, who was dressed in police uniform by the Traffic Registration Inspection Branch Directorate teams, was taken around the traffic training track with battery-powered cars.

Oğuz Kağan Mıkkıdır, who said that being a traffic police officer was his biggest dream, said: “I wanted to wear a police vest like the traffic police brothers. Police uncles gifted me a traffic police uniform and made me wear it. "I was very happy, I thank them," he said. Oğuz Kaan Mıkkırdı's mother, Gülsüm Mıkkıdır, explained what happened and said, “I have a 6-year-old son, he is going to the 1st grade. He loves the police very much. His dream was to become a traffic police officer in the future. While his teacher was teaching about professions at school, my son says 'becoming a traffic police officer'. His teacher also shoots a short video about this dream. Thereupon, I posted the video to the police's social media page. Thanks to them, we were returned from the police station in a short time and invited to the Traffic Branch. Here, they dressed my son Oğuz Kağan in traffic police uniform and put him in the traffic police car. “I would like to thank our Police Department for making my son's dream come true.” he said.