Uraloğlu Participated in the 'U-Fest Success Stories from KTÜ' Program

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu participated in the youth festival 'U-Fest Success Stories from KTÜ' program, organized by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in Trabzon and aiming to bring the fun world of transportation to young people. Uraloğlu, who came together with university students, visited the stands of the directorates affiliated to the ministry opened within the scope of 'U-Fest' and received information.


When Uraloğlu went on stage to hold an interview with the students, he was surprised by the video presentation, which included photos taken during his student years and his lecture notes and diploma from Karadeniz Technical University. Uraloğlu, touched by the surprise, thanked the university administration and students.

Uraloğlu in his meeting with students; He talked about the success stories of his student years and many topics from transportation to communication, from mega projects to the works he designed for the future.

Another surprise for Uraloğlu during the program came from his friends from the civil engineering department of Karadeniz Technical University, from which he graduated. Minister Uraloğlu, who came together with his fellow students who participated in the program as a surprise, reminisced about the past and experienced joy after joy during the program.