The 12.000-Year-Old Mystery of Göbeklitepe Moved to the Metaverse Universe

Göbeklitepe Past-is-Future Game Jam, organized in cooperation with The Sandbox, Bug Game Lab and Bahçeşehir University, revived our historical heritage Göbeklitepe in the digital world. The event gave young talents the opportunity to showcase their digital creativity by offering them the opportunity to create their own games with The Sandbox's tools.

Göbeklitepe Past-is-Future Game Jam, organized in cooperation with The Sandbox, Bug Game Lab and Bahçeşehir University, brought the creativity of young talents to the fore by combining history and technology. The 12.000-year-old mystery of Göbeklitepe takes on a new dimension in The Sandbox Open Metaverse.

The event, which took place on the BAU Galata campus, allowed more than 250 participants to create unique gaming experiences with The Sandbox's free Game Maker and VoxEdit software in a 48-hour marathon. Participants kept our cultural heritage alive in the digital world by designing Göbeklitepe-themed games.

The Sandbox Country Manager Arslan Kiran said, “This event is an indication of how successful our young talents can be on a global platform. "As The Sandbox, we are proud to offer this opportunity to Turkish young people to showcase their creativity and digital talents," he said.

After the event, the games exhibited in The Sandbox's Turkishverse area were put to vote worldwide through the Self-Publishing process. Users determined their favorite projects by voting on 15 different experiences. As a result of the voting process completed on January 19, 2024, the prize pool of 11.900 SAND was distributed to creative projects.

Arslan Kiran said, “Each experience in this process carries the historical heritage of Göbeklitepe to the metaverse world. “In addition, these projects offer our young developers the opportunity to generate income and own in-game assets using the SAND token on the Ethereum blockchain,” he added.

As a subsidiary of Animoca Brands, The Sandbox has a significant presence on mobile devices with over 40 million global installs. Warner Music Group is fueling the increase in demand for virtual real estate by collaborating with Ubisoft, The Rabbids and many other famous brands.

Kiran said, “In January 2023, our trade volume increased by 114% compared to the previous month, reaching 1.5 million USD. “This success shows that The Sandbox is not just a gaming platform, but a comprehensive ecosystem for artists, developers and gamers,” he said.