Mobile Children's Library Made the Little Ones Smile

Mobile Children's Library of the Metropolitan Municipality; He visited schools in the rural areas of Onikişubat, Dulkadiroğlu, Göksun and Pazarcık and introduced the students to books.

Mobile Children's Library, an exemplary project of Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality, continues to meet with students by visiting schools, especially in rural parts of the city. The new stop of the Mobile Children's Library, which reaches thousands of people and brings children together with books during its visits; Onikişubat Büyüksır Primary School, Göksun Karadut Ağır Primary School, Dulkadiroğlu Atilla Vural Tevekkeli Primary School and Pazarcık Evri Pınarbaşı Primary School. The teams made the little ones smile with various activities and also presented books and magazines to the students. Colorful images emerged during the visit, where children both had fun and learned. In the statement made by the Metropolitan Municipality, it was stated that the Mobile Children's Library will continue to meet the little ones at various points of the city.