Gas Leakage at High Speed ​​​​Train Site in Manisa: 2 Workers Cannot Be Reached

Gas Leakage at High Speed ​​​​Train Site in Manisa, Unable to Reach Worker
Gas Leakage at High Speed ​​​​Train Site in Manisa, Unable to Reach Worker

There is no news about the 2 workers affected by the gas leak at the construction site of the İzmir-Ankara High Speed ​​​​Train project in the Alaşehir district of Manisa. Teams are working hard.

A gas leak occurred in the high-speed train project construction site in the Alaşehir district of Manisa. There is no news from the 2 workers recorded as affected by the gas leak. The efforts of the teams to reach the workers continue.

Allegedly, 4 workers working in the tunnel at the construction site were exposed to a gas leak while driving in the tunnel. While trying to return, the vehicle got stuck in the mud inside the tunnel. While 2 of the workers got out of the tunnel by their own means, the other 2 workers were stuck in the place where the vehicle was located.

A team consisting of firefighters, AFAD and mine workers in Soma was sent to the region along with the health teams.

Crews continue to work in the area.