Malatya Sivas Regional Train Services Started

Malatya Sivas Regional Train Started Expeditions
Malatya Sivas Regional Train Started Expeditions

TCDD Tasimacilik announced that the Malatya-Sivas Regional Train has started its expedition.

In the statement made by TCDD Tasimacilik, it was said: “The Malatya-Sivas Regional Train, which will connect Malatya with Ankara and Istanbul by high-speed train, and which will reduce the travel time between Malatya and Ankara by half, has started. The Regional Train, which has a capacity of 262 seats, will reduce the distance between Malatya and Sivas to 3 hours and 40 minutes, and will meet its passengers at 7 stations. May our train, which will provide added value to our region, be beneficial to our nation.”