Effective Results Can Be Obtained in Myasthenia Gravis Treatment

Effective Results Can Be Obtained in Myasthenia Gravis Treatment
Effective Results Can Be Obtained in Myasthenia Gravis Treatment

Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital Neurology Specialist Dr. Yüksel Dede gave information about Myasthenia Gravis, which is a muscle weakness disease. Stating that its incidence in the community is relatively rare, its annual incidence is between 7 and 23 new cases per million, Dede said that this situation mostly affects young women and older men.

Expressing that the most common symptoms of the disease are muscle weakness and fatigue, Dede pointed out that the complaints increased especially after the intense use of the muscles.

Myasthenia Gravis (MG), an autoimmune disease, occurs as a result of the body's own immune system waging war on the regions that perceive the signals that provide communication between nerve cells and muscles. Failure to transmit nerve impulses to the muscles results in muscle weakness.

According to the information given by Dede, this problem, which has a significant impact on the patient's quality of life, can now be brought under control and managed with new diagnosis and treatment methods.

Stating that MG is known to be associated with some other autoimmune diseases such as neuromyelitis optica, autoimmune thyroid disease, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis, Dr. Yüksel Dede said, “Also, some studies have shown that the postpartum period is a risky period for the disease in women who have become mothers.”

Watch out for muscle weakness and fatigue

Dr. According to the information given by Dede, while muscle weakness due to myasthenia gravis worsens due to activity, it improves after rest. However, both the severity of muscle weakness and the muscles affected can vary from person to person.

Pointing out that the symptoms of the disease are similar to common different diseases, it may be time to lose in diagnosis. Yüksel Dede gave the following information about the symptoms of the disease:

“Symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis are muscle weakness and fatigue. Eye muscles, face and chewing muscles, neck, arm and leg muscles and even respiratory muscles can be affected. It usually manifests itself with symptoms such as drooping eyelids, double vision, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing and general muscle weakness. In particular, there is a tiredness that changes during the day; While patients feel better in the morning, they complain of increasing muscle weakness towards the evening. As the muscles are used, the findings become more evident, and as the muscles rest, the muscle strength returns.”

In most cases, effective results can be obtained in treatment.

Dr. According to the information given by Yüksel Dede, the diagnosis of MG is made by the evaluation of the patient by specialist physicians. First of all, a detailed medical history should be taken from the patient with appropriate symptoms, then a detailed neurological examination is performed and the diagnosis is made with tests such as blood tests and electromyography (EMG) to support the diagnosis.

At the point reached today, Dr. Saying that there is a cure for myasthenia and effective results can be achieved in most cases. Yüksel Dede stated that treatment usually aims to control symptoms, increase muscle strength and improve quality of life.

Dr. Dede said the following about the treatment applied:

“In the treatment of MG, first of all, treatments are applied to eliminate the signal disruption between the nerve and muscle, which was mentioned before. In addition, immunosuppressive treatments are applied to calm the immune system in order to suppress the immune response against the body's own muscle-nerve junction. Treatment approaches are chosen individually, taking into account factors such as the patient's symptoms, severity and prevalence of the disease, and surgical procedures such as thymectomy may be required, sometimes orally, sometimes intravenously.

“Regular follow-up is very important in the control of the disease”

Reminding that myasthenia gravis is a chronic condition and the treatment process is usually lifelong, Dr. Yüksel Dede said, “However, thanks to modern treatment methods and medicines, most people's symptoms can be controlled and the person can lead an active life. At this stage, regular medical follow-up is important to manage symptoms and improve an individualized treatment plan.” he said.

Reminding that it is possible to improve the quality of life by reducing and controlling the severity of symptoms by taking some precautions, Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital Neurology specialist Dr. Yüksel Dede listed the things that patients should pay attention to as follows:

“If you have been diagnosed with myasthenia, regular medical follow-up is important. Your physician can monitor the course of symptoms, adjust your medications, and adjust the treatment plan as needed. Regular use of drugs is important in the treatment of myasthenia. Some medications that MG patients should take for other diseases may cause their disease to flare up. For this reason, before using any drug, it is necessary to inform their physician about the subject and consult it. Supportive treatments such as physiotherapy, speech therapy and breathing exercises contribute to strengthening muscles, increasing mobility and improving communication skills.

People with myasthenia should pay attention to their regular rest and sleep habits to better manage their energies. Planning physical activities, avoiding overly strenuous activities, and resting when needed will help manage symptoms. Excessive stress can exacerbate symptoms, so efforts to reduce stress will be helpful. (such as meditation, breathing exercises) In case of MG, it is important to be protected from secondary infections, as they may become more susceptible to infections. Paying attention to hand hygiene, following the vaccination schedule, having up-to-date vaccinations and limiting contact with sick people will reduce the risk of infection. Hot weather conditions may affect myasthenia patients, and extreme temperatures may cause exacerbation of symptoms. Therefore, it is important to keep the ambient temperature at an appropriate level and to avoid being in extremely hot environments. Following a healthy and balanced diet plan and drinking enough water will be beneficial as it will support general health.”