Centennial Congratulation to International Rehabilitation from Xi Jinping

Anniversary Greeting from Xi Jinping to International Rehabilitation
Centennial Congratulation to International Rehabilitation from Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a letter to International Rehabilitation (RI) today on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.

Xi stated that China resolutely supports the work of RI, an international organization that has a great influence on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, and has taken concrete steps to advance the cause of service to persons with disabilities in developing countries and to raise the interest of persons with disabilities in the international community, and contribute to the work in this field.

Xi Jinping also conveyed his sincere greetings to disabled individuals and their relatives, and to the staff working for the disabled, across the country, on the occasion of China Disabled Aid Day. Xi also thanked international organizations and individuals who showed interest and supported China's cause of helping people with disabilities.

Pointing out that the social security and service systems for the disabled will be further improved in the Chinese-style modernization process, President Xi noted that China will also improve its contacts and cooperation with other countries in this field.

The Chinese Federation of Persons with Disabilities also held a ceremony in the capital Beijing today to mark the 100th anniversary of the establishment of International Rehabilitation.