Beware of 9 Signs of Allergic Rhinitis in Spring

Pay Attention to the Symptom of Allergic Rhinitis in Spring
Beware of 9 Signs of Allergic Rhinitis in Spring

Associate Professor from Memorial Şişli Hospital, Department of Ear Nose and Throat Diseases. Dr. Ela Araz Server gave information about the causes and treatment methods of allergic rhinitis.

Avoid pollen, tree, grass, mold and animal dander

Stating that allergic rhinitis occurs with the reaction of the mucosa covering the inside of the nose to allergic substances, Assoc. Dr. Ela Araz Server, “Allergic rhinitis, which can occur at any age, but the symptoms that begin in childhood or young adulthood in most people are more severe than other ages, are caused by small particles defined as allergens. Particles that are too small to be seen by the naked eye, formed by pollen, trees, grasses, mold fungi, animal dander and mites (house dust), are more common in the spring months when nature starts to wake up. This situation causes allergic rhinitis to be seen more in the spring months. said.

Asthma and eczema patients are more at risk

Assoc. Dr. Ela Araz Server said that people with a family history of allergic rhinitis, especially those with asthma or eczema, have a higher risk of developing this disease. Assoc. Dr. Server also stated that the incidence of allergic rhinitis is higher in children whose parents smoke, live in an apartment and have pets.

The horizontal line at the tip of the nose may be caused by allergic rhinitis.

Symptoms such as runny nose, itching, sneezing of allergic rhinitis caused by pollens, mites or animal dander and colds caused by common cold are the same. However, while the nasal discharge is transparent and abundant in allergic rhinitis, it is darker in the common cold. Additional symptoms such as fever, malaise, muscle joint pain, sore throat that occur in the common cold resolve within a few days. In allergic rhinitis, the symptoms continue during the exposure to the allergen. Assoc. Dr. Ela Araz Server explained the main symptoms of allergic rhinitis as follows:

  • Nasal obstruction
  • Watery runny nose and itching
  • Sneeze
  • Itchy eyes, redness, swelling and dark discoloration of the skin under the eyes
  • Itching of the throat and palate
  • Itching, congestion in the ears
  • Mouth breathing and frequent waking
  • Decrease in social life activities
  • allergic salute

Begin treatment by moving away from the allergy-causing environment.

"The patient's history and symptoms are very important in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis," said Assoc. Dr. Ela Araz Server said, “It is questioned in which situation the symptoms occur when exposed to what. The definitive diagnosis is made with the tests performed after some findings in the Ear Nose Throat examination. It is very important to determine what the patient is allergic to in the tests. The easiest, fastest and most economical test is the "Leather Prick" test. It is made by dripping small amounts of different allergens on the skin. Skin reactions that occur are evaluated. “Serum-Specific IgE Antibody” test can be performed in the blood of patients whose results cannot be obtained with the Skin Prick Test. In the treatment of allergic rhinitis, the first step is to get rid of the area and allergen substances that cause the allergy in the patient. Then, drug treatments are started according to the patient's allergy tests. The main purpose of drug therapy is to reduce the symptoms of an allergic reaction. In cases that cannot be controlled by drug therapy, immunotherapy, that is, vaccine treatments, is applied. There is no surgical treatment for allergic rhinitis. In case of swelling of the nasal concha secondary to allergy, reduction of the concha can be performed. she spoke.

Do your morning walks and chores during pollen-free hours

Emphasizing that it is very important for patients with a history of allergic rhinitis to determine which allergen defense mechanism reacts, depending on the tests they have done, Assoc. Dr. Ela Araz Server said, “The patient who is aware of the allergy should stay away from these substances as much as possible. Those who are allergic to house dust (mite) should not keep dusty carpets, plush toys, items made of woolen materials in their homes and workplaces, the floors of their homes and workplaces should be furnished with dust-proof materials and cleaned with high vacuum cleaners every day. Likewise, anti-allergic bedding sets, duvets and pillows should be used on the beds. In the patient with pollen allergy; During the pollination periods, he should not walk in the early hours of the morning, separate his clothes from home and outside, and make the home ventilation during non-pollination hours. It is important that people with animal allergies do not keep animals in the home environment and do not have close contact with animals outside. was shaped.