Who Can Get Citizenship Salary? How will the Citizen's Salary be Connected, What are the Conditions?

Who Can Receive Citizenship Salary How Citizen Salary Will Be Connected What Are The Conditions
Who can receive the Citizenship Salary How will the Citizen's Salary be Connected, What are the Conditions

An important statement was made by the Minister of Family and Social Services, Derya Yanık, regarding the 'citizenship salary', which concerns millions of people. Derya Yanık, in her sharing on the subject, stated that several people from the same family can receive citizenship pension, while also sharing the condition for receiving a salary. Regarding the 'citizenship salary' announced by President Erdoğan, Minister Derya Yanık made important statements and said, 'How will the citizenship salary be paid?' answered the question.

Details of the Family Protection Shield package included in the election manifesto shared with the public by the AK Party began to become clear about a week before the elections. Derya Yanık, who made evaluations on the subject in the CNN Türk broadcast she attended, said that the direct integration of the data of 1 institutions and organizations on this issue was ensured, and we have a system to determine the income when you apply, "I want to benefit from social assistance." There is a process where we will visit households so that we can identify different situations, and technically determine the income level of the citizen.” said.

Saying that one or more people from the same family can benefit from the citizenship pension, Yanık said, “Our social assistance is household-based. There is only one measure for us and that is the need of our nation. The phrase 'we say it, they do it' is laughable. It is obvious what the AK Party governments have done on the topics that no one has looked back so far. Therefore, it would be unfair to say, 'We say it, they do it'.