Migraine Patients Beware of These Foods!

Migraine Patients Beware of These Foods!
Migraine Patients Beware of These Foods!

Neurosurgery Specialist Op.Dr. Kerem Bıkmaz gave information about the subject. Migraine is an intermittent nervous system disease, which is seen as moderate or severe unilateral headache, which cannot be fully achieved with drugs such as aspirin. It is generally a genetically based disease. Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light are seen in migraine patients. Here are the things to consider to reduce migraine attacks and migraine pain.

So what are the causes of migraine:

  • Stress
  • Sleeping disorders
  • pointy odors
  • Environment changes
  • menstruation
  • lack of physical activity
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Caffeine intake
  • Eating pattern changes
  • Exposure to loud sound
  • prolonged hunger
  • Foods with high glycemic index

Migraine patients beware of these foods!

  • Cheese, bananas, alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits can trigger your migraine due to the tyramine and phenylethylamine they contain.
  • When you consume foods rich in tyramine, heart palpitations and headaches can be seen with an increase in blood pressure. This can trigger migraine attacks.
  • The tendency to tyramine increases with alcohol use,
  • Avocado, pickled meat, smoked meat should be paid attention to these foods.
  • Migraine patients usually have high histamine levels. It is necessary to pay attention to foods containing histamine:
  • Pork, beef, fish, salami, processed meats, beer, wine, bananas.

Caffeine-migraine relationship

Caffeine increases the release of adenosine in the body. Increasing adenosine activates ca+ channels. Neurotransmitter substances increase in the body. Warnings occur and migraine headaches may begin to show. In such patients, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of caffeine intake.


When you stay away from prohibited foods, long-term hunger, stress, simple carbohydrates, pay attention to the reasons that trigger migraine, and improve your sleep pattern, you will see that your migraine pain will be relieved.

A quick reminder; Low magnesium is associated with the release of glutamate from the synapses and the influx of calcium into neurons. Low magnesium in synapses causes post-synaptic neuronal excitation. Many studies show that migraine sufferers have low magnesium. You can consult your doctor about this and have him question whether there is such a deficiency.