Beta Microbes Can Easily Spread Among Children

Beta Microbes Can Easily Spread Among Children
Beta Microbes Can Easily Spread Among Children

Specialist from Memorial Şişli Hospital Pediatrics Department. Dr. Süeda İş gave information about tonsillopharyngitis and scarlet fever caused by Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus bacteria.

The disease called tonsillopharyngitis occurs with symptoms of fever, sore throat, headache, abdominal pain and vomiting in children. About 5-15% of tonsillopharyngitis between the ages of 15-30 can occur due to bacteria called Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus (GAS). This bacterium can also cause scarlet fever. Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus bacteria, which can be easily transmitted through droplets and contact, can be treated with antibiotics.

Streptococci are transmitted by droplet infection and close contact.

Stating that tonsillopharyngitis is mostly caused by a viral infection, Süeda İş said, “The most common bacterial causes are Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococci. Streptococci are transmitted from person to person through droplet infection or close contact. These germs can spread easily, especially in places with large numbers of people, such as schools, kindergartens or nursing homes. Among the examination findings; Inflamed appearance and swelling of the tonsils, enlargement of the neck lymph nodes, small red spots on the palate, swelling of the uvula and typical rashes on the body can be seen. Young children may refuse to eat because of the pain in swallowing in this disease. used the phrase.

Süeda İş says, “Before the treatment, it is necessary to determine exactly what causes the disease” and adds, “Rapid antigen test taken from the throat and throat culture test are used together with clinical findings in the diagnosis. High ASO (Antistreptolysin O) value supports the diagnosis. This value is high in the presence of streptococcal infection. The diagnosis should be made before starting antibiotic therapy. For this reason, it is important to take swab samples from patients with fever and sore throat. If the rapid antigen test is negative and clinical suspicion still persists, it is recommended to take a throat culture, start antibiotic therapy at this time, and follow the culture result. she said.

Saying that antibiotic treatment should be applied at the appropriate dose and time, Uz. Dr. Süeda İş continued as follows:

“GAS tonsillopharyngitis can have some complications. These can be divided into 2 as inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Acute rheumatic fever, poststreptococcal reactive arthritis, scarlet fever, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, acute glomerulonephritis, GAS-associated pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disease (PANDAS) are complications that do not cause inflammation. Complications that cause inflammation are; cellulites or abscesses around the neck, tonsils, otitis media, sinusitis, skin and soft tissue infections. In cases of GAS tonsillopharyngitis, it is important to determine the causative agent positive and to administer the appropriate dose and duration of antibiotic therapy in order to minimize complications.

Rashes in scarlet fever are mostly on the neck, emphasizing the head Uz. Dr. Süeda İş, “Scarlet fever; onset suddenly with sore throat, difficulty swallowing, red cheeks, chills, vomiting, headache and body aches, fatigue, and often a high fever. Patients often complain of severe sore throat. In scarlet fever, red-colored lesions are seen on the body with GAS pharyngitis. These lesions have a sandpaper appearance. It develops due to the toxins of GAS. After the onset of symptoms such as fever and sore throat, rashes usually begin within 1-2 days. The rash usually starts on the neck and spreads to the trunk, arms and legs. Redness due to the collection of blood in the capillaries on the cheeks of the child and pallor around the mouth are also typical. In the first days of the disease, white strawberry tongue and a few days later red strawberry tongue may occur. In advanced cases, flaking and subsequent peeling may occur on the skin, hands and feet. he said.

Upset. Dr. Süeda İş said that the contagiousness of scarlet fever ceased 24 hours after the antibiotic was started. Süeda İş said, “There is no vaccine against scarlet fever. Treatment depends on the symptoms. Treatment of scarlet fever caused by Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus bacteria is performed with penicillin group antibiotics. With the initiation of the drug, the fever returns to normal in a short time. Contagiousness ends 24 hours after starting the antibiotic. For this reason, it is recommended to stay at home for 1 week after starting antibiotic treatment. he said.