Attention To These For Healthy And Beautiful Skin!

Attention To These For Healthy And Beautiful Skin!
Attention To These For Healthy And Beautiful Skin!

Almost everyone wants to have a healthy and smooth skin. However, there are some factors that affect the skin negatively. So what are they? Medical Aesthetics Physician Dr. Cenk Gül gave information about the subject.

Irregular sleep

The most important times when the body renews itself occur during sleep. Irregular sleep affects the whole body negatively, as well as the skin. Adequate and balanced sleep is of great importance for a healthy skin. The secretion of the hormone melatonin, which is a powerful antioxidant, occurs during sleep. Again, HGH (growth hormone in humans) increases during night sleep. This contributes to the rebuilding of body tissues and encourages increased cell production to replace damaged cells. It helps to keep young, fresh, bright and moist.

Poor Nutrition Is Harmful For The Skin, Too

A healthy and regular diet is also important for skin health. The skin, which is our largest organ, ages quickly due to unhealthy and malnutrition. Mistakes in nutrition, such as not taking vitamins necessary for the skin, one-way nutrition, excessive consumption of salty and sugary foods, affect the skin negatively. It is beneficial to consume foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, fibrous foods, plenty of vitamin C, eggs, hazelnuts for a bright and youthful skin.

Insufficient Water Consumption

Adequate water consumption is necessary for a radiant and bright skin. It is beneficial to consume plenty of water to maintain the moisture content of the skin. Because insufficient amount of water consumption disrupts the skin structure and leads to dryness of the skin. Also, since water ensures the removal of toxins from the body, it helps to prevent skin wrinkles, dulling and dryness of the skin.

Pay attention to the ingredients of the products you use for your skin!

Since skin type and flora vary from person to person, it will be beneficial to choose a targeted product. While products containing vitamin C are preferred for smooth and luminous skin, products containing salicylic acid are beneficial for skin with acne problems. You can consult your doctor while choosing a product.

Not Using Sunscreen

The UVA rays emitted from the sun (the rays that cause wrinkles) reflect equally strongly throughout the year. The skin exposed to the emitted UVa and UVB rays ages, spots occur, wrinkles occur. These harmful rays can even cause skin cancer. Sunscreen creams suitable for the type should be used in summer and winter.

Squeezing Pimples

Squeezing or popping the pimples can actually cause bigger troubles and scars. When the pimples are squeezed, whatever the pore is, it comes out, but most of it stays inside the skin, that is, under the skin. In this case, it can cause the inflammation to spread and cause the acne to worsen.