What Causes Ear Pain During Flight and How Can It Be Prevented?

What Causes Earaches During Flight and How to Prevent It?
What Causes Earaches During Flight and How to Avoid It

Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Mehmet İlhan Şahin gave information and warned about earaches that occur during or after the flight.

“Ear pain should be taken seriously”

Assoc. Dr. Şahin explained the reason for this problem: “The 'eustachian tube' extending between the nasal cavity and the ear ventilates the ear and balances the ear pressure when the atmospheric pressure changes. The reason for the ear pain problems is exactly based on the fact that this tube does not work well. For this reason, an inflammatory disease in the nose, structural disorder, adenoid enlargement, allergic problem, tumor can cause this. People who experience frequent or permanent blockages in their ears, especially those who experience ear pain during flights, should be examined by an otolaryngologist.”

“Changes in atmospheric pressure can cause damage to the inner ear”

Stating that pain should be taken into account not only in flights, but also in any vehicle journey, Assoc. Dr. Şahin said, “Mostly, people with nasal congestion for a long time are not aware of the problem they are experiencing because they forget to breathe through their nose and get used to their current situation. Therefore, they should pay attention to the 'ear pain'. Otherwise, this problem; As the process takes longer, it can lead to collapse in the ears and much more serious irreversible hearing problems.” he said.

“If you have a cold or flu, be sure to have your pre-flight treatment”

Assoc. Dr. Şahin said, “However, it is beneficial for these people to be treated before the trip. Because if the nasal congestion is too much, along with the ear pain experienced during the flight, damage to the eardrum hole and inner ear may occur. Therefore, it may mean that the problem becomes chronic, especially in people who regularly travel by plane and experience ear pain on every flight. If the treatment is delayed, problems such as collapse of the eardrum, inflammation of the ear, and perforation of the eardrum occur. During the flight, pain occurs suddenly, and if it comes with dizziness, this is a very serious and urgent problem. People who encounter such a situation should apply to the emergency service as soon as possible after the flight. he said.

Crying crises of babies and children should be considered on flights

Reminding that another very common issue in flights is the pain crises experienced by young children, Assoc. Dr. İlhan Şahin said, “Although it is generally perceived as a normal situation, it is beneficial for parents to be careful about this issue. If a child or baby cries a lot and does not shut up in any way, it should be taken seriously. Since the problem he is experiencing may be caused by ear pain, it is useful to consult a doctor for children who experience serious crying crises on flights like this.”

Stating that they apply surgical treatment to those with structural problems in their nose, Assoc. Dr. Şahin said that they apply medication for inflammatory or allergic problems. Assoc. Dr. Şahin gave the following information about the treatments for different problems:

“Especially in people with large adenoids and who have ear pain, ear congestion, hearing loss problems or children, we perform surgical procedures such as the removal of the adenoid, and even the application of an 'ear tube' for ventilation if the ear is not well ventilated. Apart from this, we apply medication for opening the nose. Even if drug treatment is not enough, surgical treatments for bone, cartilage deformation correction, removal or reduction of enlarged meats should be applied. There are applications such as tube therapy for aeration of the ear in people who have constant congestion in their ears, as well as methods such as opening the clogged Eustachian tube with a balloon. Therefore, in addition to the nose problem, balloon expansion of the Eustachian tube may be necessary in people who have chronic eustachian tube problems and hearing loss problems as a result.”

“Patient can start work immediately after treatment”

Underlining that the surgical methods and techniques applied for treatment are gradually developing, Yeditepe University Hospitals ENT Diseases specialist Assoc. Dr. Finally, Şahin said:

“There are short-term procedures, especially with endoscopic methods to correct their problems. After the application, a significant comfort can be provided to the patients. The patient can be discharged on the same day after the endoscopic procedure, in which tampons are not applied during the surgery. However, the patient can go back to work the next day after the 'endoscopic tube widening surgeries' we have applied to open the blockage in the ear.”

Underlining that although surgery is not performed for every obstruction, patients who need surgery should not delay the surgery due to the uneasiness they experience in this regard, Assoc. Dr. Şahin said, “The patient should not be operated on, but rather the disease itself. Therefore, if there is a problem, a specialist should be consulted.” he warned.