Polluted Water Hazard in the Earthquake Zone

Polluted Water Hazard in Earthquake Area
Polluted Water Hazard in the Earthquake Zone

Major earthquakes two months ago worsened the living conditions in the region. Earthquake survivors continue to experience difficulties in hygiene apart from their basic needs such as shelter, food and drink. Making a statement on the subject, Health Minister Dr. Fahrettin Koca, on the other hand, stated that using the mains water in Hatay as drinking water is risky and that microbiological, bacteriological and chemical analyzes are carried out by taking samples from the mains water at different points.

Ömer Erdem, General Manager of Sartonet, Turkey representative of Sartorius, the international laboratory equipment supplier of German origin, said, “We have been working to help the region since the first day of the earthquake. Finally, we directed our membrane filtration device, equipment and an expert personnel to the region in coordination with the Ministry of Health for the analysis of drinking water.

“We are working to make water analyzes in the earthquake area fast and accurate”

Saying, “More measures should be taken despite the increase in pollution in the water resources in the region after the earthquake,” said Ömer Erdem, “We have been supporting the region since the first day of the earthquake that deeply affected our country. We are working to make analyzes so that our citizens are not affected by water pollution. Accurate and rapid results of these analyzes are extremely important for public health. Membrane filtration is the only method that complies with regulations and standards for microbiological analysis in water. We care about the health of our earthquake victims, and we thought that Hatay, one of the provinces most affected by the earthquake, would need such an analysis. We have forwarded the issue to the Ministry of Health. We sent our membrane filtration system and equipment to the emergency water analysis laboratory established for Hatay in coordination with our Ministry, together with one of our specialists.

“We donated all the income of our filtration validation trainings to earthquake victims”

Sartonet General Manager Ömer Erdem said, “We are the only authorized Sartorius representative that has been serving in filter and filtration technologies in Turkey for nearly 40 years, primarily in the pharmaceutical, food, beverage and chemical industries. We adopt the understanding of customer satisfaction, sustainability and social responsibility at local and international standards. We have been providing training on filter and filtration validation with Sartonet Academy for about 4 years on this path we set out to turn our knowledge and experience into benefits. From the first stage of the earthquake that deeply affected our country, we donated all the income of the trainings we organized for the development of the Turkish pharmaceutical industry to our earthquake victims.