Chronic Stress Causes Burnout!

Chronic Stress Causes a Feeling of Burnout
Chronic Stress Causes Burnout!

Mental fatigue, called burnout syndrome in the psychology literature, can be a signal that you need to rest now. Clinical Psychologist Emre Gökçeoğlu gave important information on the subject.

We all feel tired and fed up with everything from time to time. The accumulated burdens on life and yourself can eventually cause you to feel spiritually exhausted. So, can you really be experiencing burnout syndrome?

“Chronic stress causes feelings of burnout”

Burnout Syndrome is usually the result of a perfectionist personality structure. We can see the reflections of this syndrome in people who are called "workaholics" or who try to keep their life under control and people who cannot cope with chronic stress.

How is burnout syndrome understood?

The onset of feeling exhausted can manifest itself when you get too involved in your job, when you take on the whole burden in the family, or when a similar stress load arises. “In this process, you feel exhausted, you constantly think negatively, you can get away from work. You feel emotionally exhausted and you experience persistent bodily pain. This condition can sometimes be confused with depression. We can also see this process as a step towards depression. It may seem difficult to cope with this burnout syndrome, which is usually short-term and temporary. We should not neglect ourselves by taking seriously the signals that these feelings want to give us so that it does not progress towards depression.”

Do not neglect yourself!

We often neglect to take care of ourselves from the routine, monotony and fatigue of daily work.

When you are in the burnout syndrome, you start to feel that you need to rest. In this process, it is important to give yourself what you need. You may not always be able to go on vacation, but everyone has their own spiritual relaxation path. If you can't think of an option right now, you can work to find it. This can be anything that makes you feel peaceful, relaxed and rested.

It is important to view the feeling of burnout as “feeling tired” rather than a “weakness”. In this process, try to sleep and rest as much as possible during this process. Remember, even the cars we ride need annual maintenance. However, we often neglect our self-care when it comes to ourselves. Therefore, try to discover things that will do you good, relax you, and find peace.

Healthy living habits will do you good

• Exercise regularly to reduce the stress level in the body.
• Have a healthy diet by drinking plenty of vegetables and fruits.
• Take a break from technology.
• Try to increase your communication with people a little more during this period, get ideas from people. Try to share all your feelings and thoughts during this process as much as possible.

If you think that you cannot cope on your own and these symptoms persist for a long time, it would be best to seek help from a specialist.