Attention to Sleep Safety in Babies!

Attention to Sleep Safety in Babies
Attention to Sleep Safety in Babies!

Specialist Psychologist Tuğçe Yılmaz gave important information about the subject. Sleep is very important in the physiological, psychological and cognitive development of babies. The development of babies who have a quality sleep pattern in early childhood progresses much more healthily. Factors such as the quality of sleep, its duration, time to fall asleep, and the type of diving give important results in the health of the baby. Less than expected sleep causes depression, cognitive disorders, cardiometric diseases, and depression. .In addition to the quality of sleep, its safety is also of great importance. At this point, we encounter sudden infant death syndrome.

Sudden infant death syndrome is the name given to the unexpected, unexplained death of infants during the first 12 months of life. No health problems were found in these babies when examined. The first 4 months after birth is the time when SIDS cases are highest. Sudden Infant Death rate is lower in developed countries. One of the biggest reasons for this is to raise awareness on this issue. It is possible to reduce the number of OAUs with some measures to be taken.

So what are these measures?

What can we do to reduce the risk of sudden infant death?

-Make sure to lay your baby on his back until he is 1 year old.

- Let him lie face down during playtime.

-Feed your baby with breast milk if possible.

Pay attention to the temperature of the room where you sleep. Make sure it is not too hot or cold. The ideal range is (20-22C).

- Do not keep pillows, large plush toys, or sleeping companions that can cover your face in your bed.

-The bed sheet should be tight, the bed floor should be firm.

-Use a sleeping bag instead of things that you can cover your face, such as blankets and covers.

-Do not smoke, stay away from smoking environments.

Do not sleep in the same bed as your baby.

Safe Crib

• The distance between the crib rails should not exceed 6 cm.
• Use cradles that do not contain lead paint.
• There should be no decorations at the head and foot of the bed.