Which Herbal Tea Is Good For What?

Which Herbal Tea Is Good For What
Which Herbal Tea Is Good For What

Dietician Sanem Apa Doğan gave important information about herbal teas, which have many benefits from regulating blood sugar without strengthening the immune system, from nausea to constipation, from burning fat to fatigue.


It supports the metabolic rate, prevents rapid increases in blood sugar levels and balances the metabolic rate, affects performance, and eliminates fatigue and sleepiness.


It strengthens the immune system with the antioxidants it contains, helps weight loss by suppressing appetite by accelerating metabolism, accelerates blood circulation and is diuretic.

Rosemary Tea

It purifies the body from toxins, is an edema remover, reduces the absorption of fat from the intestines, is protective against fatty liver, is effective against constipation complaints, and consuming at least 1 cup a day against stomach disorders can have a positive effect.


Its vitamin C content is high, it has an edematous effect, pectin and fruit acids can cause mild diarrhea and facilitate digestion.


It is one of the 9 plants believed to be good for all diseases in England, helps digestion, reduces cravings in pregnant women, increases milk in lactating women, helps to eliminate gum infection, can support cough and cold.


Its consumption is recommended to alleviate anxiety and promote sleep, strengthens the ability to learn, store and retrieve information, and is protective against Alzheimer's disease.


It has also been supported by dozens of studies that it is effective on fat burning by increasing the thermogenic effect.


Effective in lowering blood sugar

There are studies showing that there is a 1-1% decrease on the average blood sugar level at the end of 2 days, especially with the consumption of 40 teaspoon of cinnamon or 5-15 cups of cinnamon tea every day.

  • It delays the emptying rate of the stomach, thus helping to consume less calories.
  • Effective in digestive complaints, it is used to relieve the feeling of gas and bloating.
  • Increases body resistance.

Important note:Since herbal teas can have negative effects if not used correctly, it is necessary to be careful in their consumption.