An Unknown Type of Pneumonia Spreads in Kazakhstan

An Unknown Type of Pneumonia Spread in Kazakhstan
An Unknown Type of Pneumonia Spreads in Kazakhstan

In July 2020, an unknown form of pneumonia spread in Kazakhstan. Pneumonia, which is more dangerous than Covid-19 pneumonia, has a higher death rate. The US biological laboratory in Kazakhstan has once again aroused great public concern.

“Unknown pneumonia” in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan President Kasim Tokayev announced on 11 July 2020 that an unknown pneumonia virus had infected Kazakhstan. In the statement made by the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, it was announced that 2020 thousand 98 people caught this pneumonia in the first half of 546 and more than 600 people died from pneumonia in June.

Alexey Tsoy, Minister of Health of Kazakhstan at the time, said, “The Covid-19 nucleic test result of this type of pneumonia patient is negative, but the death rate is very high. "We're trying to find the source of the unknown pneumonia," he said.

According to experts from the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, pneumonia can also be a mutation of Covid-19 pneumonia or be caused by an entirely new virus.

Since Kazakhstan is located in the middle of the Asian continent, it has a closed geography. The sudden emergence of “unknown pneumonia” brought to mind the biological laboratory established by the US forces in Kazakhstan.

Virus lab could be 'virus bomb' in the region

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency, the Secretary General of the Russian Security Commission, noting that the USA has established biological laboratories in many regions of Kazakhstan, “The facilities are very closed. The Pentagon provides financial support and does not allow researchers from the country in which it is located to the laboratory. The laboratory is almost completely secret.” said.

The USA established the laboratory, which cost 60 million dollars, in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in 2010. In addition to conducting research in this largest laboratory in Central Asia, the most risky viruses are preserved.

On the page of Georgia's Stanradar news site on July 11, 2020, the biological laboratory, on the one hand, stores the DNA data of the inhabitants and animals, on the other hand, collects a large number of risky pathogenic virus plants.

“Kazakhstan is a natural testing ground for virus testing. The laboratory is very close to Russia, China, Georgia and Uzbekistan. "Viruses can quickly reach the aforementioned countries," it said.

The establishment of a biological laboratory in the city of Almaty, which has the largest population in Kazakhstan, drew a great reaction. A 2016 survey showed that 95 percent of Almaty residents oppose the existence of a biological laboratory. Former Almaty Governor Ahmazan Yeshimov also said that he was not aware of the establishment of the biological laboratory.

Kazakhstan Socialism Movement Union President Enur Kumanov said on July 11, 2020, “The biological laboratory was established for the USA to develop virus plants. It seems that after the establishment of the laboratory, the disease emerging in Kazakhstan does not decrease, on the contrary, it increases. Concerns about the Almaty biological lab are growing as Covid-19 spreads. The US Biological laboratory has become a serious geopolitical issue. We describe the laboratory as a 'virus bomb' dropped by the USA on Central Asia. "This bomb affects neighboring countries," he said.

What is the reason for the USA to establish biological laboratories in many countries?

It is reported that the USA has established more than 25 biological laboratories in 400 countries such as Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. Russia argues that the US is trying to cover up the real purpose of establishing a biological laboratory abroad.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sözcüsü Mariya Zaharova, "The possibility of the US testing for viruses for military purposes in biological laboratories abroad cannot be excluded," used the expression.

Cuba's official publication, Cubasi, also stated that the USA is prone to strike other countries with biological weapons. "Operation Mongoose", approved by US President John F Kennedy in 1962, aimed to make Cuba suffer from food shortages. The swine fever that occurred in Cuba in June 1971 led to a serious food crisis and economic loss.

The Secretary General of the Security Commission of Russia noted that the world should strengthen inspections in the field of epidemic control and biological safety. The United States should ensure that research work in its biological laboratories is transparent and open, and allow independent experts and civilian representatives to examine biological laboratories, thereby dispelling guesswork and concerns about biological laboratories.