President Büyükkılıç Examined Aid Works at Kayseri Train Station

President Buyukkilic Examined Aid Works at Kayseri Train Station
President Büyükkılıç Examined Aid Works at Kayseri Train Station

Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. Memduh Büyükkılıç stated that aid reached the earthquake zones by rail, as well as by road and air, and said that the Metropolitan teams are also carrying out coordination work at Kayseri Train Station.
Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. Memduh Büyükkılıç, together with Kocasinan Mayor Ahmet Çolakbayrakdar, visited the teams and volunteers working at the Kayseri Train Station to heal the wounds of the earthquake and received information about the aid sent to the earthquake regions.


During his visit to Kayseri Train Station, President Büyükkılıç immediately resolved a request regarding the shipment of aid materials. Büyükkılıç, upon the request of Deputy Mayor of Melikgazi, Turan Akdağ, called the Metropolitan Municipality Secretary General Hüseyin Beyhan on the phone, upon the request of transporting some aid materials from the highway by trucks to the warehouse in the Mimar Sinan Organized Industrial Zone, and that they were transported by other vehicles. instructed to resolve it.

Mayor Büyükkılıç, who thanked the teams and volunteers who worked with great devotion to heal the wounds of the earthquake at Kayseri Train Station, said, “Our efforts to help earthquake regions continue intensively. As Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality, we have been doing whatever we have to do with devotion and effort since the day of the earthquake, and we will continue throughout the process. In addition to highway and airway, aid reaches disaster areas by rail. We received information about the aid sent to the earthquake area," he said.

Büyükkılıç said that the flock of aid mobilization continues, “We provide the logistics coordination of the aid materials collected at Kayseri Train Station. "Thank God, our #Kayseri is one wrist, our citizens are one heart," he said.