Pay Attention To These Points While Whitening Teeth!

Pay Attention to These Points While Whitening Teeth
Pay Attention To These Points While Whitening Teeth!

Dentist Damla Zenar gave information about the subject. Teeth whitening is a method used to whiten teeth that have discolored for various reasons or to lighten a personalized tooth color by a few tones. It is a very practical solution for people who are not satisfied with the color of their teeth, as they can see the result immediately. The natural color of the teeth darkens with years, external factors and our eating and drinking habits. With the teeth whitening process, which can be done in the office or at home, the teeth are opened by 2-10 tons, a satisfactory whitening and a beautiful smile is obtained. Bleaching process must be applied under professional control. Is there any harm in the teeth whitening process?

The whitening process is applied in two ways:

1. Office Bleaching: It is a form of treatment that takes approximately 15 hour in total with 1-minute sessions, which is performed by the physician in the clinical setting with the application of the whitening gel and the light source that activates this gel. During the application, your gums are protected with a special barrier material and the whitening gel is applied to your teeth and activated by a light source. In order to avoid sensitivity after the application and to protect the applied whiteness, your doctor may give various solutions and recommend special toothpastes.

2. Home Bleaching: Home bleaching is a method where teeth whitening is done at home instead of in a clinic. Personalized plaques are prepared with a simple measurement taken from the mouth. The plaques in which the whitening gel is placed are attached for 4 - 8 hours a day, depending on the color of the tooth, and the desired whitening is achieved in an average of 10-15 days.

Coloring agents (tea, coffee, cigarettes, wine, medical mouthwashes, etc.) should be avoided as much as possible during use. It may be necessary to repeat the process from time to time for color permanence. One of the Office and Home Bleaching treatments can be applied in the teeth whitening treatment. However, in terms of the permanence of whiteness, the best thing to do is to combine these two treatments. On top of the treatment applied in the clinic, a combined treatment is obtained by using the given plates at home. In addition, the permanence of the treatment is ensured with the special whitening paste provided by your doctor.

Is there any harm in the teeth whitening process?

Bleaching is a harmless and very effective method when performed by a physician who has mastered the procedure. A mild or moderate sensitivity complaint may occur during or after the bleaching process. This sensitivity will completely disappear in 1-2 days.

What other types of discoloration can be removed with teeth whitening?

  • Congenital colorings
  • Discoloration due to prolonged use of antibiotics
  • Colorations due to excessive fluoride intake
  • Coloring that may occur after root canal treatment
  • Colorations that may occur as a result of trauma
  • Discolorations that may occur as a result of aging

Is teeth whitening the same process as removing stains on the surface of the teeth?

It is not the same process. These stains are discolorations on the outer surface of the tooth and can be removed by mechanical cleaning. If whitening is to be done, these stains on the outer surface of the tooth must be removed before the whitening process.

What kind of foods should be avoided after teeth whitening?
Consumption of colored foods such as coffee, cola, tea and wine and smoking should be reduced.

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