Technology Gift for the Elderly from IMM

Technology Gift for the Elderly from IMM

Technology Gift for the Elderly from IMM

IMM has put the "Digital for All Ages" application into service so that Istanbul residents over the age of 65 can use technology easily. Thanks to the digital platform with a total of 6 educational content, elderly people will be able to use internet technology without difficulty. Kartal Mayor Gökhan Yüksel, İBB Deputy Secretary General Şengül Altan Arslan and Darülaceze residents attended the introductory meeting held at İBB Kartal Elderly Care and Nursing Home.

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) launched the "Digital for All Ages" application, which will facilitate the use of technology by citizens aged 65 and over. Thanks to the digital platform introduced at the IMM's Respect for the Elderly Week event, it is aimed that older people can use technology and the internet without the need for anyone else.

Kartal Mayor Gökhan Yüksel, İBB Deputy Secretary General Şengül Altan Arslan, Bağ Association founder Özgün Biçer and Darülaceze residents attended the introductory meeting held at İBB Kartal Elderly Care and Nursing Home.


Kartal Mayor Gökhan Yüksel said, “No matter how old we are, we have to keep up with digitalization. We aim to increase the role of our elders over the age of 65 in the digital world. It is very important for our elders to do their own business on the Internet. This is just the first step in aged care policies. Both IMM and Kartal Municipality will continue to enrich their elderly care policies.”

Şengül Altan Arslan, Deputy Secretary General of IMM, pointed out that the internet usage of individuals in the 65-74 age group in our country has increased 4 times in the last four years. Stating that IMM carries out works with the understanding of social municipality for aged individuals, Arslan continued his speech as follows:

“We aim to bring our aged compatriots together with the digital environment so that they can spend an effective and productive time. We aim to increase the digital literacy of our elders with the “Digital for All Ages” platform, which we have realized jointly with Bağ Interactive Learning Association and Institute Istanbul İSMEK. Every individual over the age of 65 who registers on the platform will have easy access to interactive learning modules. He will be able to meet many needs that he may need in his daily life through this platform.”


It is possible to reach the Digital for All Ages platform via the address and the mobile application. Thanks to this platform, Istanbul residents over the age of 65 will be able to access training on digital skills they need in their daily lives. On the platform where only Istanbul residents aged 65 and over can become members with their TR ID numbers; There are trainings on the use of WhatsApp, MHRS (Central Physician Appointment System of the Ministry of Health), Gmail, Facebook, E-Government and Virtual Shopping sites.

There is also an area called "Digital Square" on the platform, where the categories of culture, art, healthy life, entertainment, games and useful links are included. The trainings on the platform were designed in a "simple" way, considering the age group in terms of language, content and design. The trainings are not only in written text; at the same time, it was enriched with video and audio narration options.

There was also a surprise at the end of the day for Darülaceze residents who participated in the program. The guests had pleasant moments with the IMM City Orchestra Directorate Turkish Music concert as part of the 18-24 March Respect for the Elderly Week.


Vineyard Interactive Learning Association was founded in 2019 by Dr. Özgün Biçer and Dr. It was established with the aim of developing an alternative education approach of Ece Öztan and bringing it together with different audiences. The association focuses on digital interactive learning activities that support equality, inclusion, non-discrimination and women's empowerment.

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