Ways to Combat the Climate Crisis

Ways to Combat the Climate Crisis

Ways to Combat the Climate Crisis

Üsküdar University Environmental Ethics Forum Director Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir evaluated the methods of combating the climate crisis.

Pointing out that individuals, as well as institutions, have to do in the fight against the climate crisis, which is one of the biggest problems on a global scale, experts offer advice on what can be done. Stating that it is possible to start with minor changes in lifestyle, experts recommend changing transportation methods to walk, cycle, use public transportation, shop at local markets, and prevent food waste.

Stating that if immediate action is not taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the worst-case scenarios of climate change cannot be avoided. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir said, “The world is currently 1,2°C warmer than in the pre-industrial era and every part of one degree is important. Research shows that with 2°C of global warming, we will have more intense droughts and more devastating floods, more wildfires and more storms.” warned.

Our delicate planet hangs by a thread

prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir, “As United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said at the last UN Conference on Climate Change (COP26), 'Our delicate planet hangs by a thread. We are still knocking on the door of climate disaster. It's time to switch to emergency mode, or we'll have zero chance of hitting net zero.' The situation can be depressing. But the good news is that there is still a lot we can do as individuals to change that story.” said.

We must change our consumption habits

Noting that the climate emergency expects action from all of us, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir said, “According to UNEP Climate Change Coordinator Niklas Hagelberg, 'We need to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and everyone has a role in this goal.' We as individuals must change our consumption habits and pressure those who represent us, our employers, our politicians, to move quickly to a low-carbon world.” he said.

10 ways to be part of the climate solution:

prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir made the following assessment about the 10 methods that should be done to combat the climate crisis:

1. Announce the problem: Encourage your friends, family and colleagues to reduce carbon pollution. Join a global movement like Count Us In, which aims to inspire 1 billion people to take practical action and invite their leaders to act bolder about climate. The organizers of the platform say that if 1 billion people take action, they can reduce global carbon emissions by up to 20 percent. You can sign up for the UN's #ActNow campaign on climate change and sustainability and support this critical global debate with your ideas.

2.Continue to maintain political pressure: Lobby local politicians and businesses to support efforts to reduce emissions and carbon pollution. Count Us In has some handy tips on how to do this. Pick an environmental issue you care about, decide on a specific change request, and then try to set up a meeting with your local representative. It may seem scary, but your ideas should be heard. If humanity is to be successful in tackling the climate emergency, politicians must be part of the solution. It is up to all of us to continue printing.

3.Change your transport: Transportation accounts for about a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions, and many governments around the world are implementing policies to decarbonize travel. You too can make a start: Leave your car at home and walk or bike as much as possible. If the distances are too long, choose public transport, preferably electric options. If you have to drive, offer to share your car with others so that there are fewer cars on the road. Step out of the line and buy an electric car. Reduce the number of long-haul flights you make.

4. Keep your power usage under control: If you can, switch to a zero-carbon or renewable energy provider. Install solar panels on your roof. Be more efficient: If possible, reduce your heating by a degree or two. Turn off appliances and lights when not in use, and better yet, buy the most efficient products first (hint: this will save you money!). Insulate your attic or roof. In this way, you will be warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer and you will save some money.

5. Review your diet: Eat more plant-based meals. Your body and the planet will thank you. Today, about 60 percent of the world's farmland is used for grazing, and in many countries people consume more animal-derived food than is healthy. Plant-rich diets help reduce chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.

6.Shop locally and buy sustainable products: Buy local and seasonal foods to reduce the carbon footprint of your food. In this way, you will help small businesses and farms in your area and contribute to the reduction of fossil fuel emissions associated with transportation and cold chain storage. Sustainable agriculture uses up to 56 percent less energy, produces 64 percent less emissions, and provides a higher level of biodiversity than conventional agriculture. Go one step further and try growing your own fruits, vegetables and herbs. You can plant the plants you have grown in the garden, on the balcony and even on the window sill. Set up a community garden in your neighborhood to get your neighbors involved.

7. Don't waste food: One-third of all food produced is either lost or wasted. According to UNEP's Food Waste Index 2021 Report, people globally waste 1 billion tons of food each year, which corresponds to about 8-10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Avoid waste by only buying what you need. Take advantage of every edible part of the food you buy. Measure portion sizes before cooking rice and other staples, store food correctly (use a freezer if available), get creative with leftovers, share surpluses with friends and neighbors, and contribute to a local food-sharing plan. Make compost from inedible residue and use it to fertilize your garden. Composting is one of the best options for managing organic waste while reducing environmental impact.

8. Dress pro-climate: The fashion industry accounts for 8-10 percent of global carbon emissions. More than all international flights and shipping combined, and “fast fashion” has created a throwaway culture where clothes are quickly thrown into landfills. But we can change that. Buy fewer new clothes and wear them longer. Instead of buying new items that will only be worn once, look for sustainable tags for special occasions and use rental services. Recycle clothes you used to love and mend as needed.

9. Plant a tree: About 12 million hectares of forest are lost each year, and this deforestation, along with agriculture and other land use changes, is responsible for about 25 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. We can all play a role in reversing this trend by planting trees individually or collectively. For example, the Plant-for-the-Planet initiative allows people to sponsor tree planting around the world. Check out this UNEP guide to see what else you can do as part of UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, a global initiative to stop the degradation of land and oceans, conserve biodiversity and rebuild ecosystems.

10. Focus on planet-friendly investments: Individuals can also promote change through their savings and investments by choosing financial institutions that do not invest in carbon-polluting industries. This sends a clear message to the market, and many financial institutions already offer more ethical investments, allowing you to use your money to support causes you believe in and avoid what you don't. You can ask your financial institution about responsible banking policies and find out how they rank in independent research.

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