How should we intervene in children's teeth urgently?

How should we intervene in children's teeth urgently?
How should we intervene in children's teeth urgently?

President of Global Dentistry Association, Dentist Zafer Kazak gave information about the subject. One of the most distressing situations for children and their families is the fracture, displacement or complete displacement of the child's tooth due to dental trauma. In dental traumas, regardless of the shape and size of the trauma, a dentist, if possible, a pedodontist should be consulted as soon as possible. What should I do if my child's tooth hurts? What should I do if my child falls and his lip is injured by his teeth? What should I do if the tooth is completely dislodged when my child falls out?

Usually, parents may not care much if there is no serious bleeding after a fall or injury. However, it should not be forgotten that tooth loss after trauma is the most late intervention teeth. Especially in dental traumas resulting in tooth displacement and tooth fracture, the time between the event and reaching the dentist and the way the broken tooth piece or tooth is brought play a major role in the success of the treatment. In such a case, the family should try to be as calm as possible and inform the physician about exactly when, how and where the accident occurred. The dentist should also inform the dentist correctly about the general health status of the child (allergic asthma, epilepsy, blood disease, heart disease…) and whether there is a tetanus vaccine.

What should I do if my child has a toothache?

If the pain is caused by food stuck between the teeth, carefully floss between the teeth without damaging the gums. Never do this cleaning with sharp-edged tools or toothpicks. If there is swelling, apply a cold compress on the cheek side, never a hot compress. Do not put painkillers on the aching tooth.

It is very important to identify the cause of the pain and treat the tooth. Therefore, take your child to the dentist as soon as possible. If the pain goes away on its own, do not neglect your doctor's control by thinking that there is no problem.

What should I do if my child falls and injures his lip teeth?

  • Keep calm and never calm the child “The moon is bleeding!” Do not use words that will cause the child to panic more.
  • If there is bleeding, try to control the bleeding by applying pressure. Within 1-2 minutes, bleeding will stop or decrease with the effect of pressure.
  • Try to eliminate the risk of infection by cleaning the injured area with warm water.
  • Try to find if there is a piece of tooth that is protruding or broken by doing a general check of the teeth. If the piece is too small, don't waste time trying to find it, and your problem will be solved with the filling. Keep the piece you find in a wet environment and send it to your doctor.

What should I do if my child's tooth is broken when he falls?

First of all, if the broken piece is large and we can find it, it is necessary to go to the dentist immediately with the broken piece, because the tooth can be treated using the broken piece.

What should I do if the tooth is completely dislodged when my child falls out?

With the effect of trauma, the permanent tooth may come out of its socket completely. In such a case, you should hold the tooth without touching the root, wash it in running water and bring it to the doctor in saliva or milk. If the displaced tooth is a milk tooth, never try to replace the tooth.

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