Suggestions for a Comfortable Menopause Period

Suggestions for a Comfortable Menopause Period

Suggestions for a Comfortable Menopause Period

Many women experience hormonal, physical and emotional problems during menopause. Underlining that the solution of these problems is not as difficult as it seems, one of the experts of, Op. Dr. Güray Ünlü gives important tips for women who want to spend their menopause period with better quality.

There are periods in a woman's life, each unique to her, with great variation. Adolescence and menopause can be difficult for women, as well as periods of known difficulties such as pregnancy and childbirth. Hormonal, physical and emotional changes occur due to the decrease in estrogen hormone during the adolescence period, when fertility begins and the period of menopause when fertility ends. Stating that the average age of menopause worldwide is 51, but this age may vary according to geography, one of the experts of, Op. Dr. Güray Ünlü says, “Symptoms such as hot flashes, fatigue, skin dryness and itching, thinning of the skin, psychological changes, susceptibility to depression, sleep problems, vaginal dryness and urinary problems, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis can be observed in the short and medium term in menopause.” Reminding that not every woman goes through menopause with bad symptoms, but if she has complaints that reduce her quality of life, she should get support. Dr. Ünlü underlines that in addition to calcium and protein intake, vitamin D, B and K and folic acid levels are also important during this period. Kiss. Dr. Ünlü lists the complaints and remedies seen during menopause as follows.

Skin changes

In the absence of estrogen, thinning occurs in the skin, and the collagen content decreases. As a result, loosening of the skin, thinning, prominent veins, poor healing of wounds and bruises can be seen. To solve this problem, you can use skin moisturizing creams and collagen supplements.

Hot flushes

Vasomotor symptoms are observed in most menopausal women. It is a symptom that lasts for 1-2 minutes, which is described as suddenly pouring boiling water. At the same time, heat intolerance and night sweats increase. It is known that excessive fatigue, excessive activity, smoking, caffeine, alcohol, fatty-spicy foods and environmental factors increase hot flashes. Stress can also be aggravating. Hormone therapy quickly reduces hot flashes, and very few patients continue to have hot flashes despite the hormone. Regular physical exercise reduces the complaints in the menopausal period. In a study, heavy physical exercise has little effect on menopause; In addition, light physical exercise in the garden and at leisure, at work or while carrying something has been found to be more effective in menopause symptoms. Those who exercised regularly felt better, and the severity and frequency of their complaints decreased. Studies have shown that acupuncture also reduces hot flashes. In addition, the use of relaxation techniques can also be useful in hot flashes. Deep breathing using the diaphragm is the easiest of the relaxation techniques. It is known that breathing exercises can reduce the intensity and frequency of tension, depression, increased blood pressure and hot flashes.


Insomnia affects 50% of women during menopause. The reason is not known exactly. Sometimes insomnia occurs due to night cramps and felting in the legs. In this case, vitamin D and K, calcium intake is beneficial. Hot flashes and night sweats can also cause insomnia. Calming teas, simple sedatives, warm showers are recommended. In many studies, the positive effects of yoga on hot flashes, insomnia and increasing the quality of life have been determined. In another study, patients with sleep disorders were given passive and medical massage. 2 massage sessions were applied 32 times a week, and a decrease in sleep complaints was found in patients who received medical massage.

urogenital problems

In estrogen deficiency, thinning is observed in the epithelium of the vagina and urinary outflow area. This causes pain during sexual intercourse, vaginal dryness, burning in urination, frequent urination, and vaginal infections. Since there are complaints that reduce the patient's life harmony and comfort, they definitely require treatment. Oral, vaginal, cream or paste-like hormonal treatments can be used. Vaginal resistance can be increased with vaginal prebiotics, washing products compatible with the PH of the genital area can be used.

psychological problems

Hormonal changes in menopause are thought to affect mood and behavior. It is known that mood changes in women are common during postpartum periods when hormone levels change rapidly, and during menopause. Feeling depressed, sad, reluctance, irritability, tension, irritability, restlessness, panic, decrease in performance, forgetfulness, attention disorder can be seen. Studies show that yoga reduces stress, heart rate and blood pressure and positively affects health. Exercise is also helpful. In addition, to prevent these problems, calming teas, calming simple treatments and, if necessary, depression treatment are also used.


Cessation of ovarian functions and cessation of estrogen production during menopause accelerates bone loss in relation to age and increases the severity of osteoporosis. Less bone loss in menopause is proportional to bone mass in the teenage years. There may be other factors that increase bone resorption, such as obesity, additional hormonal diseases, inactivity, vitamin D deficiency, and chronic diseases. It may be necessary to use drugs containing vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium. There is information such as that vitamin A increases bone strength, reduces the risk of cancer, and reduces paralysis in the menopausal period. It has also been reported that prebiotic intake has beneficial effects on calcium absorption and bone mineralization.

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