Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the world! It is also the second among cancers that cause death. Especially in Western societies (EU countries, USA), breast cancer is seen in approximately one out of every 8 women.
“In terms of protection from breast cancer; Okan University Hospital General Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Abut Kebudi talked about breast cancer and the innovations in the treatment process.
It is Most Common in the 40s!
Although breast cancer is seen at all ages, its incidence increases after the 40s. This diagnosis can also be made in younger and older generations. Among the causes of breast cancer, genetic and familial factors can be effective at a rate of about 5-15 percent, although the cause is not fully known in the vast majority of them, age, environmental factors, radiation, nutrition, hormonal factors play an important role. It is very important to be weak in terms of protection from breast cancer, to do sports, not to use unnecessary and long-term hormone drugs, to try to be in a cleaner environment and to keep stress under control as much as possible. In addition, it is very important to consult a specialist physician for monthly self-examination, breast examination at a frequency appropriate to the risk situation and to follow the publications on this subject. Although the aim is not to get caught in this disease, it is possible to get very good results with less treatment with a diagnosis made at an early stage.
The following are important in combating breast cancer in today's contemporary medicine;
- Determining the risk groups.
- Eliminating preventable risk factors.
- If the disease develops, catch it at the earliest.
- If possible, to apply the least treatment without disturbing the quality of life.
- To treat without losing the organ.
- Achieving the longest possible survival.
- Screening program recommended by the World Health Organization for early diagnosis: Self-examination should start in the 20s. Doctor's examination should not be neglected every 20 years between the ages of 39-3 and once a year from the age of 40. Mammography should be done annually or every 40 years, depending on the risk status from the age of 2.
"Breast Conserving Surgery" is on the Agenda!
When breast cancer was previously diagnosed, complete breast and armpit were removed. Now, this surgery is preferred in special cases (common tumor in the breast, large tumor that cannot be reduced, patient preference, etc.). It was later understood that; Removing the whole breast does not benefit the patient's life and also causes a bad cosmetic result. Thus, "Breast Conserving Surgery", in which the breast is partially removed, has come to the fore. One stage after is "Oncoplastic Breast Surgery". Here, even if the tumor in the breast is large, there are surgeries that are performed with appropriate plastic methods without losing the breast and can preserve the shape of the breast as best as possible.
It is Possible to Feel Good Thanks to Silicone Implants!
In addition, in cases where we need to remove the breast completely, we try to choose a surgery (Subcutaneous Mastectomy) in which we protect the skin of the breast, empty the inside of the breast, if possible, and replace it with a suitable silicone implant and thus achieve a very good cosmetic result. This surgery can be performed preventively in women at risk before developing cancer. As an example, we can give Angelina Jolie.
There Are Serious Developments In Armpit Surgery!
There are also serious developments in armpit surgery. In the past, all underarm lymph tissue was removed in every breast cancer surgery, and when radiotherapy was added to this, it could cause swelling in the arm (lymphedema), which had bad results in one out of five women. In today's breast surgery, armpit tissue is sampled and surgical intervention is performed if necessary, or regional treatment can only be left to radiotherapy. In patients where the disease has passed a certain stage but has not yet metastasized, chemotherapy is applied before surgery and the disease is regressed and the appropriate treatment is performed.
Briefly, Aim of Contemporary Breast Cancer Treatment;
- Trying to prevent the disease,
- Trying to catch the disease at the earliest if it has not been prevented,
- To treat our patient with the least treatment, the best possible cosmetic result and the best life expectancy.