izban at the age of european population as passenger transport

izban at the age of european population as passenger transport

izban at the age of european population as passenger transport

9 is the backbone of İzmir transport, carrying almost as many European passengers as the year, while improving the number of wagons, passengers and stations as well as the length of the line.

IZBAN, 9 is the suburban system for our country's largest city with airport connection. He is proud to celebrate his age. Carrying its first passenger as a “Tolerance” and “synergy” project on 30 in August 2010, İZBAN has become one of the fastest growing rail system enterprises not only in Turkey but in Europe in the year it left behind. Starting out with 9 wagons and 24 stations, İZBAN has been able to grow and develop continuously and multiply the number of wagons, passengers and stations and increase the line length.


İZBAN started service with 24 set consisting of 8 wagons and made one of the biggest investments of İzmir rail system history in 2014 in that period and put into service Gulf Yunus sets. Thus, İZBAN increased the number of wagons to 219 and increased the number of daily flights to 275, thus providing a much more comfortable and faster transportation for its passengers. İZBAN will expand its giant fleet in the coming period in order to respond rapidly to increasing passenger needs.


İZBAN set off with the 80 station on the 31 kilometer line from Aliağa to Cumaovası and continued to grow on the southern axis immediately after the opening of Hilal. With the commissioning of the 6 station in the bagged direction, the number of stations reached 38 and the line length reached 110 kilometers. After Torbalı Health and Selçuk first, and finally Belevi entered service. Thus, reaching the 41 station, İZBAN's line length increased to 136 kilometers.


İZBAN carried 9 million passengers in the last 650 annual period. In other words, İZBAN, carrying almost as many European passengers as 750 million people, is the backbone of the traffic on the north-south axis of İzmir's 8. 24 October 2017 thousand passengers and 347 million passengers carried in October 2017 were the most frequent passengers.


Number of passengers carried: 650 million
Total voyages: 760 thousand
Total kilometers: 46 million
Daily maximum passengers: 347 thousand - 24 October 2017
Monthly maximum passengers: 9,4 million - October 2017
Annual maximum passengers: 97,4 million - 2017

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