They Land on Earth at 16.30

Axiom Space had broadcast live the departure of the Ax-3 team, including Turkey's first astronaut Gezeravcı, from the ISS with the Dragon capsule. The broadcast was also made available on TÜBİTAK's social media accounts. The other astronaut selected in this publication is Tuva Cihangir Atasever, TÜBİTAK UZAY Business Development Group Leader Dr. Sadık Murat Yüksel and TÜBİTAK UZAY Chief Expert Can Bayraktar commented on interesting details about the separation.

Gezeravcı and the crew will land on Earth at 2 GMT on Friday, February 9, 2024, after a 16.30-day long journey.

This journey will break the record as the longest transfer time the Dragon capsule has ever made.

The Dragon capsule, which carries the crew during the journey, is expected to perform multiple orbital descent maneuvers and reach Earth off the Florida coast in approximately 48 hours.


The Dragon capsule, carrying the Ax-3 crew, including Turkey's first space traveler Alper Gezeravcı, was successfully launched from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on January 18, 16.49 US local time (19 January 00.49). The Ax-36 crew, whose journey took approximately 3 hours, reached the International Space Station on January 20.

The departure of the Ax-3 team, consisting of Gezeravcı, Michael Lopez-Alegria, Walter Villadei and Marcus Wandt, from the ISS was postponed 3 times due to unsuitable weather conditions in the landing area.

Alper Gezeravcı performed 13 scientific experiments on the ISS.