Under-Eye Dark Circles: Causes, Home Methods and Expert Opinion

Under-eye dark circles can be caused by many reasons. Factors such as lack of sleep, stress, genetic factors, aging or malnutrition may cause under-eye dark circles to appear. This situation may negatively affect self-confidence as well as aesthetic concerns.

Methods That Can Be Applied at Home

  • Proper Sleep and Rest: Getting enough sleep each night can help reduce under-eye circles. It is also important to rest regularly and avoid stress.
  • Nutrition: A balanced and healthy diet can be effective in reducing under-eye dark circles. It is important to consume foods rich in iron, vitamin C and vitamin K.
  • Cold Application: Applying a cotton swab or ice pack gently under your eyes can reduce the appearance of bruises by increasing blood circulation.
  • Humidifier Usage: Since the skin around the eyes is sensitive, it is important to use moisturizer. Specially formulated moisturizers can reduce the appearance of bruises.
  • Sunscreen Usage: Using sunscreen to protect against the harmful effects of the sun can help prevent dark circles under your eyes.
  • Natural Methods: Natural ingredients such as cucumber slices or iced green tea bags can also help reduce under-eye circles.

Expert Opinion

Experts state that it is possible to reduce under-eye bruises with regular care methods. However, they emphasize that it is important to consult a dermatologist or specialist if there are chronic bruises or conditions that do not respond to treatment.