Visit from the UK Delegation to Şafak Müderrisgil

The delegation included Women in Football CEO Yvonne Harrison, Manchester United Foundation Girls' Football Development Head Stephanie Knott, Football Business at University Campus of Football Business (UCFB)/Global Institute of Sport Course Leader Darren Bernstein and UK Amazing People Schools Communications Director. Ben Tegg was featured.

During the visit, the current situation of women football players in Turkey and the United Kingdom, the work of women as professionals in the field of football and common developments with Turkey in this context were the main topics discussed at the meeting.

Potential academic opportunities that could be a springboard for women looking to enter the world of sports management were also discussed.

Emphasizing that women's football has made a visible leap in Turkey, Turkish Football Federation Board Member Şafak Müderrisgil said, “We had a very productive meeting with the United Kingdom Delegation. We exchanged ideas. We agreed on the role of football in sports diplomacy and creating social impact for society. "We continue to work on making women's football more visible in Turkey, taking the necessary strategic actions during the development process and increasing participation," he said.