Train from Belgrade to Budapest

Train journey from Belgrade to Budapest: From Belgrade Train Station to Budapest Keleti Train Station, there are two direct flights per day. The day train departs from Belgrade at 6.45 am and arrives in Budapest at 14.54 noon.

The night train departs from Belgrade at 21.45 at night and arrives at 06.04 the next day. On the night train, there are 1 sleeper, 1 couchette and 3 seat wagons. Sleepers can be for 1, 2 or 3 people, depending on your reservation. Each room has a sink, central heating and mirror. In addition, there are 1 toilet and sink at the end of the wagon. The capacity wagons are for 6 people and there are toilet and sink at the end of the wagon.

Since Subotica Train Station on the Belgrade - Budapest route is located on the border line, it is carried out here in the passport control. At this station, which you will arrive in half of the journey, your passport is checked in the train by Serbian officials. After a 10-minute journey, it is again checked in the train by Hungarian police officers.

One-way ticket = 15 Euro (per person)
6 per person per person in XEU 15 Euro + 17 Euro (per person)
2 passenger carriage = 15 Euro + 18 Euro (per person)

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