Children with Autism Gain Their Independence With Occupational Therapy

Children with Autism Gain Their Independence With Occupational Therapy
Children with Autism Gain Their Independence With Occupational Therapy

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center ÇEGOMER (Child and Adolescent Development and Autism Center) Specialist Occupational Therapist Cahit Burak Çebi talked about the importance of occupational therapy in the education of children with autism.

Occupational therapy aims to increase participation in daily activities

Specialist Occupational Therapist Cahit Burak Cebi, who said that the main purpose of occupational therapy is to target independence in daily living activities, said, “In the daily living activities of an individual with autism spectrum disorder; limitations can be observed in self-care, play/productive activities and leisure activities.” said. Cebi stated that participation in daily living activities is targeted and "Social interaction, emotional and behavioral processes, self-care skills, sensory skills, motor skills, pre-academic and academic skills, executive functions are supported during the occupational therapy process in autism spectrum disorder." he said.

Contributes to the development of all skills

Specialist Occupational Therapist Cahit Burak Cebi emphasized that it is very important for individuals with autism to gain maximum independence in daily life, and said, “Occupational therapy practices, self-care activities such as eating, dressing, bathing, combing hair, nail clipping, toilet, play activities and socialization in children with autism. It aims to support independence by working on sensitivities in leisure activities such as said.

Çebi noted that occupational therapy practices also contribute to balance, coordination, body awareness, motor planning, attention/activity sustainability, visuospatial perception, auditory language skills and academic skills.

Occupational therapy sessions are planned individually

Underlining that occupational therapy sessions in individuals with autism are determined according to the individual's needs and limitations in daily life, Specialist Occupational Therapist Cahit Burak Cebi concluded his words as follows:

“In personal assessment sessions, individual-specific session goals are created by evaluating the individual's functional emotional development capacities, sensory, sensory-motor, perceptual-motor and cognitive processes. By making therapy planning according to the goals, it is aimed for the individual to reach maximum independence.”