America's Digital Goliath Google on China's Radar!

Economic Competition Between China and the US

Today, China ABD The economic and technological competition between the two countries has become an important agenda item worldwide. This competition affects both countries' trade policies, investment strategies and even international relations. In recent years in particular, the US's trade sanctions and additional customs duties against China have increased tensions between the two countries.

Google's Investigation and Latest Developments

China State Administration of Market Regulation, Google announced that it has launched an investigation against the US President for violating antitrust regulations. This situation Donald TrumpIt came in response to additional customs duties imposed by Google on China. There is no clear statement yet as to what actions Google is being investigated for.

Access to Google Blocked in China

China has strict content control over the internet, which is why Google's main business search engine and access to its other services is restricted. Although the company ended its operations in China in 2010, it continues to earn revenue from advertising sales abroad. In 2018, it was reported that Google's revenue from China reached $3 billion.

Response Measures of the Chinese Government

In response to tariff increases implemented by the US, chinese government announced a series of measures, including additional tariffs on certain products imported from the United States and export controls on critical minerals. Such measures further complicate trade relations between the two countries.

Investigations Into NVIDIA and Other Companies

Last year in China, NVIDIA An investigation has been launched into China for violating antitrust regulations. This investigation comes after the US imposed additional restrictions on China's chip sector. NVIDIA, Israeli chip design company Mellanox TechnologiesIt is believed that in the process of acquiring , it violated China's Anti-Monopoly Law.

Impacts on US Companies

US ready-to-wear group PHV and biotechnology company Illuminahas been placed on the “untrusted entity” list due to its discriminatory practices against Chinese companies. This is further straining trade between the two countries. In addition, the US memory chip maker Micron Technologies A cybersecurity investigation was launched against the company in 2023. As a result of this investigation, the company was banned from selling chips and integrated circuits to Chinese companies carrying out critical infrastructure projects.

As a result

The economic and technological competition between China and the US poses a major threat not only to the two countries but also to the global economy. The trade tensions brought about by this competition deeply affect the strategies of both companies and countries. How this situation evolves in the coming periods will also determine global economic balances.