The Mystery of Sleep: Create a Better Sleep Pattern with the 90-Minute Rule

The 90-Minute Rule for Good Sleep: Optimize Your Sleep

To start the day energetically and vigorously have a good sleep It is extremely important to take. Sleep patterns have a great impact on both our physical and mental health. Insomnia or irregular sleep can lead to fatigue, lack of concentration and mood swings during the day. If you 'My sleep pattern is disrupted, what should I do?' If you think so, 90 minute rule You can improve your sleep quality by trying.

What is the 90 Minute Rule?

90 dakika kuralıis a method based on sleep cycles. The human brain goes through various stages during sleep, and each sleep cycle is approximately 90 minutes This cycle generally consists of 4 phases:

  • 1. Sleep Stage: Very light sleep, usually lasting 5-15 minutes.
  • 2. Sleep Stage: Light sleep, brain waves begin to slow down.
  • 3. Sleep Stage: Deep sleep, slow brain waves are seen.
  • 4. Sleep Stage: Also known as very deep sleep, this stage is when dreams occur and brain activity is high.

Each of these cycles has a big impact on how you feel when you wake up. If you wake up before a cycle is complete, sleep inertia you may experience and feel tired.

What Should You Do to Wake Up More Refreshed?

If you want to wake up rested and refreshed, adjust your sleep hours. 90 minute cycles Waking up in the middle of sleep cycles can cause your brain to have difficulty waking up. Therefore, when determining your bedtime, you should pay attention to the completion of the cycles.

90 dakika kuralı, is also an effective method for those who want to wake up early in the morning. For example, if you want to wake up at 6 in the morning, 22.30 or 21.00It is recommended that you sleep at. In this way, you can complete your sleep cycle and wake up more refreshed.

Tips for Calculating Your Sleep Duration

Your sleep duration 90 minute cycles You can create the most suitable sleep pattern for yourself by calculating it. The human body usually needs 5-6 sleep cycles This is the total 7,5 – 9 hoursThis corresponds to a sleep time of 7.30 am. If you want to wake up at XNUMX am, you can go back and determine your sleep time. For example:

  • 07:30 you may check the link below to discover: 23:00 or 22:30 You can also lie down.
  • 06:00 you may check the link below to discover: 22:30 or 21:00 You should also sleep.

Optimize Your Sleep Environment

For a good sleep, you should consider not only the duration of sleep but also the sleep environment. Here are some suggestions to improve your sleep environment:

  • Room temperature: The ideal room temperature is between 18-21 degrees.
  • Blackout: Keeping your room dark increases melatonin production and promotes deeper sleep.
  • Noise Cancellation: Sleeping in an environment away from noise improves your sleep quality. You can use earplugs or white noise machines.
  • Bed Comfort: Choosing a comfortable bed and pillow directly affects your sleep quality.

Review Your Bedtime Habits

Your bedtime habits can also affect your sleep quality. Here are some things to consider:

  • Screen Time: Limit phone, tablet and computer use at least 1 hour before bedtime.
  • Caffeine Consumption: Reduce your caffeine intake in the afternoon. Caffeine can cause insomnia.
  • Relaxing Activities: You can do relaxing activities such as meditation, yoga, or light reading before going to bed.

By incorporating these habits into your life, you can improve your sleep quality and wake up more refreshed in the morning.

As a result

To optimize your sleep 90 minute rule You can apply, track your sleep cycles and improve your sleep environment. These methods will allow you to start the day more refreshed and energetic and will improve your sleep quality.