Route Arrangement for the Gulf Rail Project!

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, together with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, has completed the important route arrangements in the first phase of the Kocaeli Northern Light Rail System Line. This project stands out as a major step towards making urban transportation more efficient and meeting the transportation needs of the public.

Arrangements Made Within the Scope of the Project

Within the scope of the first phase of the Kocaeli Northern Light Rail System Line, a total of 1 kilometers of rail line and 26,85 stations are planned to be constructed. On Saturday, January 18, 18, a route arrangement was carried out in order to support the station works of the Körfezray Metro Project located in the Seka State Hospital area. In this context, the Hospital Road Bridge on İzmit Salim Dervişoğlu Street was closed to traffic.

New Route Arrangements and Alternative Routes

With the new route arrangements, citizens using the D-100 Highway from the direction of Izmit will turn from the Mevlana Bridge and connect to the road in front of the Transportation Department. Citizens coming from the direction of Istanbul will be able to reach the Schools Zone by using the road in front of the Transportation Department via the D-100 Highway.

Citizens coming from Salim Dervişoğlu Street will be able to reach the Schools Zone by using Mevlana Bridge over Maide Junction and Karayolu Street or the road in front of the Transportation Department. In addition, citizens coming from Salim Dervişoğlu Street will be able to reach the hospital by exiting Mevlana Bridge to D-100 Highway and using Hastane Yolu Street.

Purpose of the Project and Expected Contributions

Kocaeli Northern Light Rail System Line aims to strengthen Kocaeli’s transportation infrastructure, making urban transportation faster and more efficient, and also providing environmentally friendly public transportation options. With this project, it is expected to reduce traffic congestion in the city and support economic development.