Shocking Claims from Jandee Perçem: Edis Did Not Like the Movie, Ayşe Barım Had It Removed from Screening!

Allegations of Monopolization in the TV Series and Film Industry

In recent years, in the TV series and film industry monopolization The allegations are very much on the agenda. This situation has become an important problem affecting the dynamics of the sector. Especially ID Consulting Limited Company The influence of large production companies such as, shapes the careers of many famous names. In this context, Ayşe Barım's role and impact in the sector attracts attention.

Ayşe Barım and Her Impact on the TV Series and Film Industry

Ayse Barim, ID ConsultingAs the founder and manager of , he has undertaken many projects. However, the allegations and criticisms about Barım are just as numerous. In particular, his relationships with various famous names and his management style in projects are frequently the subject of discussion. Edis The potential to influence the careers of young talents such as Ayşe Barım makes her position in the sector even more important.

Confessions of Jandae Forelock

Producer and actor Jandae Forelock, He made some striking statements about Ayşe Barım. Parçem, Edis co-starring with “Alya” While expressing the difficulties he experienced through his film, he emphasized Barım's influence. According to Perçem, the lack of necessary documents from Edis prevented them from starting their PR work. At this point, Barım's words about Edis are noteworthy.

Edis's Words Towards Barım

According to Perçem's statements, Ayşe Barım said about Edis "If the movie comes out, I'm finished. I'll give them 100 thousand dollars and they'll give me the movie." He said. Such statements reveal the conflicts and power games within the sector. The fact that the film cost 1 million dollars raises questions about Barım being able to make such an offer so easily. This shows how fierce the competition in the sector is.

Relationships with Distributors and the Fear Element

Perçem recalled the difficult times Edis had gone through in the past and also remembered the time when she gave him a job. “I gave you a job when you couldn’t go to a concert and had no money left” He stated that Edis was afraid of Barım and that this fear affected the cinema distributors. The fact that the distributors, who were under the influence of Ayşe Barım, decided to withdraw the projects from the cinema clearly reveals the atmosphere of fear in the sector.

Power Balance in the Industry

Such incidents in the TV and film industry also bring about power imbalances. Relationships between producers, actors and distributors are often shaped by such power games. The presence of powerful figures like Ayşe Barım affects many artists in the industry and can sometimes end their careers.

As a result

In summary, the influence of Ayşe Barım and powerful producers like her in the sector directly affects the careers of many famous names. Jandae Perçem's statements, monopolization These kinds of incidents in the world of TV series and films show how complex the dynamics in the industry are and raise concerns about how future projects will take shape.