Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, Izmir Bay within the scope of the cleaning works dredging continues its operations rapidly. IZSU General Directorate, in the works that started in December, from the bottom of the Gulf 85 thousand tons of mud The works play an important role in cleaning the sea by ensuring the circulation of the Gulf. The citizens in the area express their satisfaction with the works, stating that the color of the sea has started to lighten and the bad smells have decreased.
Positive Comments from Citizens
Sheyda Kozan, KarşıyakaHe stated that he lives in Izmir Bay and said that it was in bad shape last summer but the work done was beneficial. Kozan said, The state should also support this process. He stressed. Nebahat KubayHe stated that he observed the improvement in the bay during his daily walks and that he thought it would get even better in the future.
Fish Swimming on the Shores Makes You Happy
The impact of efforts to prevent fish deaths in the Gulf Yesim Akova He stated that he started to see with the naked eye and said that the fish swimming on the shore made him happy. Akova said that these images, studies carried out He stated that he believed he had evidence.
Fishermen Also See Improvement
Fishing in the Gulf Yavuz AkdereHe stated that the studies initiated after the fish deaths, especially in the summer months, have started to yield positive results. However, he stated that industrial waste coming from the Gediz River still poses a threat and that precautions should be taken against it. Hakan Özelli He also stated that the water in the Gulf has become clearer and that there will be further improvements as the work progresses.
The Great Work Continues
IZSU General Directorate, Until June The northern axis of the Gulf and Covering the mouth of Peynircioğlu Creek in the area 700 thousand cubic meters will scan the bottom mud. These studies will, in total, With an investment of 440 million liras will be done. Also, dredging Following the first stage of the work, a tender will be held this year for the dredging of another 1 million 800 thousand cubic meters of bottom mud. Within the scope of the project, at the end of the two stages, a total of 2,5 million cubic meters of mud will be scanned.
Permanent Recovery in Izmir Bay
With this project, it is aimed to increase the water quality in Izmir Bay, reduce pollution in terrestrial areas and increase the current speed of the bay. After the completion of the work, Izmir Bay, will become cleaner and healthier.