Reminding that the warnings of scientists should be heeded, President Büyükakın said, “Everyone will do their part. This is not the time to say, ‘I don’t have the budget.’ Because the Marmara Sea says, ‘I am dying.”
Reminding that some municipalities have not done what is necessary to keep the Marmara Sea clean, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tahir Büyükakın made warnings on the live broadcast on TV100. Büyükakın, who said, “After the 22-article action plan was announced by scientists, we encountered this situation again because what needed to be done was not done,” continued as follows: “The sea has now reached the point of bankruptcy. The Marmara Sea says ‘I am dying.’ Right now, the oxygen level in the sea should be at 8, but it has dropped to 6. Studies conducted in İzmir say that the ammonia level in the water has increased a lot and the oxygen level is approaching 0. When there is no oxygen, fish swim to the surface. Fish die. The lack of oxygen in the sea does not allow harmless species to survive. However, it causes living things that live in pollution to survive. For example, jellyfish…
What needs to be done here is clear: There are 7 municipalities that have a coastline on the Marmara Sea. Everyone will do what they have to do. This is not the time to say, 'I don't have a budget.' I repeat, scientists say that if the entire 22-article action plan is implemented, it will take 5 years for the sea's oxygen level to return to normal. If we think the opposite, if we don't do it for another 5 years, it will be postponed even further. If we don't do it for another 5 years, it will go back 10 years. In the end, you will not be able to see any of the beneficial species in the Marmara Sea."