How Much is the Motor Vehicle Tax for 2025?

We Are All Being Anesthetized! After 35 Minutes, We Are On The Edge Of Addiction…
We are all being put to sleep! Discover in this article how we get lost on the edge of addiction after 35 minutes. Get ready to embark on a journey full of remarkable information and tips for awakening! [more…]

Tesla Sales Hit Bottom in Germany: What's Next for the Market?
The decline in Tesla sales in Germany signals major changes in the automotive market. In this article, you will find an in-depth analysis of the challenges Tesla is facing and the future of the market. [more…]

Fenerbahçe Kalamış Marina Enters a New Era with Koç Holding!
Fenerbahçe Kalamış Marina has entered a new era with the collaboration with Koç Holding! It offers a unique experience to sea enthusiasts with its renewed infrastructure, modern facilities and services. Click now for details! [more…]

Wreckfest 2 Release Date Announced
Wreckfest 2, published by THQ Nordic and developed by Bugbear Entertainment, has players waiting with excitement. The game will be released as an early access version for PC via the Steam platform on March 20. [more…]

DB Converts Diesel Locomotives to Hydrogen Locomotives
Germany's leading railway operator, Deutsche Bahn, is taking an important step to promote environmentally friendly rail transport. In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute, Deutsche Bahn is [more…]

Thailand Plans to Modernize Passenger Trains
Thailand’s railway sector is undergoing a major transformation. The State Railways of Thailand (SRT) has introduced 184 new trains to improve long-distance passenger transport and modernise its railway infrastructure. [more…]

Alstom's Avelia Horizon Trains to Enter Service in 2026
Alstom plans to put the first batch of Avelia Horizon trains, developed for France's national railway company SNCF, into service in spring 2026. However, according to media reports, this [more…]

Alstom Sells Germany Railway Plant to KNDS
Alstom has agreed to sell its railway production facility in Goerlitz, Germany, to the KNDS consortium, a major player in the defense sector. The consortium consists of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and Nexter Systems. [more…]

Sydney's West Gets Modern Light Rail
Sydney’s West will have an advanced light rail system by December 2024. The new system increases accessibility with 16 well-connected stops, speeding up urban mobility and is environmentally friendly [more…]

Integral dx Unveils New Generation Shunting Locomotive Series
American railway manufacturer Integral dx has announced a new series of Shunting locomotives with improved features. These new locomotives have a power range of 660-1360 kW, a weight of 74-163 tons and a [more…]

Ticket Sales Restart for Alstom's Historic Train Event
Ticket sales, which were suspended last week, have reopened as one of the biggest railway events resumes. Due to popular demand, a more efficient booking system has been put in place [more…]

Australian Rail Unions Go on Two-Week Strike
Rail unions in Australia have launched a two-week strike over the New South Wales (NSW) government's refusal to give passengers full refunds. The dispute stems from a January [more…]

Automotive Sector Achieved $3 Billion in Exports in January
The automotive sector achieved significant success by achieving $3 billion in exports in January. This development demonstrates the growth potential of the sector and its competitiveness in the international market. [more…]

Age of Mythology Retold is Coming to PlayStation 5!
Published by Xbox Game Studios and developed by World's Edge, Forgotten Empires, Tantalus Media, CaptureAge and Virtuos studios, the strategy game Age of Mythology Retold is available on PlayStation [more…]

The Wait Continues for Wolfeye Studios' New Sci-Fi RPG
Excitement is at its peak for Wolfeye Studios' new science fiction-themed action role-playing game, which has been in development for a while in the background. According to the details announced, the game's publisher [more…]

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Coming to PS5
The news that strategy game enthusiasts have been waiting for for a long time has finally arrived! Published by Xbox Game Studios and developed by Forgotten Empires, Tantalus Media and Wicked Witch teams, Age [more…]

Canadian Shipbuilder Davie to Buy Shipyard in US
Canada-based multinational shipbuilder Davie continues to expand its operations despite the looming global trade wars. The company has acquired an American shipyard to strengthen its presence in the US [more…]

Vulnerabilities in Mobile Apps Increase Cyber Threats
STM has taken a closer look at cyber attacks carried out via mobile applications in its newly released Cyber Threat Status Report. Storing critical information in unsecured environments can pave the way for cyber attacks. [more…]

Unique Luxury Experience in the Car
Meet the Unique Luxury Experience in the Car! With the perfect combination of comfort, design and technology, live a high-level experience on every journey. Discover the privileges offered by luxury cars. [more…]

A Citizen Complained About Trump and His Wife to the Cimer: Rebellion from $75 to $16!
A citizen complained about Trump and his wife to Cimere! This interesting incident, which expressed his rebellion regarding the prices dropping from $75 to $16, had a great impact on social media. Read on for details! [more…]

Innovative National Defense Technologies Exhibited in the Winter-2025 Exercise Held in Kars
Turkey's innovative national defense technologies were exhibited in the Winter-2025 exercise held in Kars. This event showcases our country's defense power and technological development. [more…]

$500 Million Investment in Solar Energy
Competitions were held for 6 Renewable Resource Areas (YEKA) allocated to solar power plants. A total of 67 applications were made from 146 companies in the competitions, and areas with a total capacity of 800 megawatts were [more…]

Number of MEB AKUB Team Members Reached 10 Thousand
The number of members of the Ministry of National Education Search and Rescue Unit (MEB AKUB) teams, established by the Ministry of National Education and consisting entirely of volunteer teachers, has reached 10 thousand. [more…]

Istanbul Ready-to-Wear and Fashion Fair Opened
Minister of Trade Ömer Bolat stated that they started increasing textile and apparel exports in January and that this increase will accelerate, and said, “Some industries and manufacturers that are leaving the Far East are investing in Turkey. [more…]

February Elderly and Disabled Monthly Pensions Are Being Deposited to Accounts
Our Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş announced that they have started to deposit the total of 6,8 billion liras of elderly and disabled pensions for February into the accounts. [more…]

Disabled Person's Military Service Dream Comes True in Yozgat
In Yozgat, the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services and the Provincial Gendarmerie Command teams made a disabled person's dream of military service come true. The 45-year-old mentally ill person staying at Çamlık Care Center [more…]

AFAD Started Volunteer Training Against Avalanches in Tunceli
In Tunceli, Provincial Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD) teams are training volunteers to save lives in avalanches through training sessions held in the snowy and cold mountains of the city. In recent years, there have been many [more…]

Alstom Improves UK Rail Safety and Efficiency
Alstom has improved the passenger experience by modernising the old manual signalling system at South Kirkby in West Yorkshire, England. The old system has been in use on the East Coast Main Line for more than 50 years. [more…]

What is a Volcanic Earthquake? Does a Volcanic Eruption Cause an Earthquake?
Volcanic earthquakes are seismic movements that occur as a result of volcanic activity. So what is a volcanic earthquake? Does a volcanic eruption cause an earthquake? What is a volcanic earthquake? Volcanic earthquakes are the eruptions of volcanoes [more…]

Tehran – Van Passenger Train Services Start Again!
TCDD Transportation and Iran Railways (RAI – RAJA) delegations will be in Tehran on February 3-4 to resume Tehran – Van passenger train services, which were suspended due to the pandemic. [more…]

Ways to Protect Our Eye Health in Summer
Practical tips and advice for protecting your eyes during the summer months. Discover how to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun. Learn what you need to do to keep your eyes healthy. [more…]

Diyarbakir Fire Department to Monitor Chimney Cleaning with Software Program
Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality has developed a software program to prevent chimney fires and to systematically monitor chimneys. The Fire Department has developed a software program to systematically monitor chimneys, including their physical condition, installation methods, and working [more…]

Music Download Mp3 Download Stop, Download With One Click!
Music has pieces that suit everyone's taste. In this sense, music has actually become an indispensable part of life. When people listen to their favorite songs, they find great peace. [more…]

What is SLE Disease? Is SLE Disease Dangerous?
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body's own healthy cells. Normally, the immune system protects the body against infections, but in people with SLE, [more…]

Stratonikeia's Gladiator Spirit Comes to Life with Artificial Intelligence
The special screening of the Stratonikeia Gladiators documentary, organized by Muğla Metropolitan Municipality, was held at the Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Cultural Center. The artificial [more…]

Corn Silage Support Started in Ankara
Ankara Metropolitan Municipality (ABB) started the distribution of corn silage produced in BAKAP, the largest agricultural campus in Turkey. 100 tons of corn silage distributed with 1095 percent grant, 24 [more…]

'Blue' Shift for Safe Driving Started in Sakarya
Sakarya stands out as one of the cities with one of the most extensive bicycle path networks in Turkey. Periodic maintenance is carried out by the Metropolitan Municipality and the 180-kilometer bicycle path added to the city [more…]

What is Density? 5 Surprising Facts You Didn't Know Are Waiting for You!
What is density? In this article, you will discover the basics of density and learn 5 surprising facts that you did not know. Everything you are curious about density is here! [more…]

Colorful Playgrounds in School Yards in Kayseri
Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality adds color to the gardens of primary and secondary schools in various parts of the city, bringing children together with sports and entertainment between classes. Hopscotch and dodgeball courts are installed in the gardens of the schools. [more…]

16 Million Lira Material Support to Amateur Sports Clubs in Konya
Konya Metropolitan Municipality continues to provide material support to amateur sports clubs active throughout the city this year. The material support organized at the Selçuklu Municipality International Sports Hall [more…]

KONYARAY Project's 1st Stage Works 60 Percent Completed
Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay examined the rail system investments to be brought to the city by the Metropolitan Municipality together with the press members. Mayor Altay first examined the KONYRAY Suburban [more…]

Illegal Discharge Investigation Launched for Nilüfer Stream in Bursa
Nilüfer Stream, one of the important water resources of the Marmara Region, was examined in cooperation with Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, BUSKİ General Directorate and Provincial Directorate of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. [more…]

Snowfall Starts in Istanbul, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Provides Support for the Homeless
Sleet and snowfall have begun to take hold in Istanbul. With the drop in temperatures, IMM has also started sheltering services for homeless people living on the streets. This morning in Istanbul [more…]

Izmir Children's Assembly Meets Technology at FabrikaLab
Children who are members of the Izmir Children's Assembly Information and Technology Commission had an unforgettable experience at FabrikaLab Izmir, which operates under the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. Entrepreneurs of the future; 3D printers, [more…]

Historical Transportation Investments Continue in Izmir
The historical transportation investments of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality continue at full speed. It will be opened between Dostluk Boulevard and Coşkun Kale Street, which will solve the traffic problem of Bozyaka region in Karabağlar. [more…]

Izmir is Working to Solve Building Stock and Infrastructure Problems
Speaking at the 133rd meeting of the Izmir Economic Development Coordination Board (IEKKK), Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. Cemil Tugay said, “Izmir needs to solve its building stock problem. Just like infrastructure, transportation, [more…]

Post-Earthquake Emergency Action Plan Meeting Held in Izmir
Following the successive earthquakes in the Aegean Sea, an emergency action plan meeting was held, hosted by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. Cemil Tugay. The meeting discussed possible risks and [more…]

Suzuki's New Lubricant Partner: Strong Collaboration with Castrol
Suzuki has announced its new lubricant partner through a strong partnership with Castrol. This partnership aims to enhance vehicle performance and enhance the driving experience. Read now for details! [more…]

Dragon's Dogma 2 Sales Reach 3.5 Million
Capcom's open-world action role-playing game Dragon's Dogma 2 has achieved significant success, selling 3.5 million units worldwide. The game was released in the previous quarter [more…]

Street Fighter 6 Hits New Success with 4.4 Million Sales
Street Fighter 6, the latest installment of Capcom's fighting game series, has achieved great success by exceeding 31 million sales as of December 2024, 4.4. June [more…]