In this article Technologies used in dental treatments We share up-to-date and useful information about.
3D Imaging-Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Computerized Tomography device, uses the latest technology to obtain 3-dimensional images of teeth and surrounding structures. Although traditionally used 2-dimensional films are our greatest aids during diagnosis and treatment, they do not provide complete information about 3-dimensional teeth and surrounding tissues. This 3D images, they show precisely accurate information about anatomical landmarks that cannot be detected using conventional (2-dimensional) x-rays.
Use of cone beam computed tomography, number of roots and canals, location of roots, thickness of surrounding bone, bone or tooth defects ve sinus cavities It allows for a more detailed evaluation of teeth, including their proximity to important vital structures such as the clove for your situation diagnosis ve treatment It helps more in planning. Using these images, many clove can be treated without extraction.
Previously three-dimensional anatomy of the tooth In order to obtain information about the disease, radiographs were taken at multiple angles. 3-D imaging With this, only images can be taken of the area needed, thus exposing our patients to the lowest possible radiation dose – similar to a standard panoramic radiography examination.
Digital Imaging – Phosphor Plate
To provide a snapshot of your teeth during all treatments in our clinic. digital x-ray With this imaging, the necessary information can be obtained instantly on the computer screen without waiting. Since this imaging technology allows changes to be made on the computer, it enables more accurate diagnosis and treatment compared to traditional films. Films can be stored easily and without deterioration. Superior comfort during use thanks to its thinness and ability to take the shape of the mouth structures. In addition, the radiation dose exposed to these films is significantly reduced compared to traditional films.
Dental Operating Microscope
Magnification and LED lighting, are very valuable tools that help to see the small details inside your teeth, making it possible to treat many cases that require high technical precision and cannot be treated due to lack of vision. In addition to these, our clinic operating microscope, in certain cases, to provide important information about your treatment high-resolution digital imaging and video Equipped with
Electronic Apex Finders
Root canal treatment One of the most important factors in success is the accurate determination of the root canal length. When working on a canal length that is not accurately determined, the necessary cleaning and disinfection procedures cannot be performed. In such treatments, recovery cannot be achieved. In the past, only films were used to determine the canal length. However, due to the anatomy of the tooth and surrounding tissues, this information could not be obtained accurately with films.
Electronic apex finders This problem has been largely solved by reducing the need for films, allowing for better treatment and reducing radiation exposure. With the use of these devices, the exact point where the nerves enter the tooth can be detected and successfully treated. root canal treatments realizable.
High Frequency Ultrasonic Instruments
High vibration ultrasonic instruments have many uses in endodontics. Remaining from previous treatments, restorative dental materials (e.g. Posts, Pins ve Fillings) to facilitate removal and to prevent blockages in the canal (e.g. broken tools ve canal filling materials) are used to overcome.
Ultrasonic instrumentation also to determine the location of calcified canals, surgical root tip in preparation and activation of disinfection (to improve the cleanliness of the duct system) helps us. These tools contribute to the saving of many difficult teeth and increase the success of the treatments performed by improving the quality of disinfection.
Nickel Titanium Rotary Tools
Nickel-Titanium tools, are flexible instruments that allow us to clean and shape even very curved roots in the most effective way. These instruments are used with liquid antimicrobial agents to completely disinfect the root canal system.
Repair Materials with Bioceramic Content
Repair materials containing bioceramic endodontic treatment is one of the most important game changers in the history of these materials, Endodontic treatment They have many applications in procedures. Their biocompatibility and physical properties make them;
- Closing of perforations in the tooth (openings between the tooth and the bone tissue surrounding the tooth),
- Repair of this area in immature teeth, that is, teeth whose root tips have not closed,
- Sealing the root tip after apical surgery,
- This makes it a superior material for many treatments such as preserving the vitality of vascular and nerve tissue as a result of traumatic injuries or by opening the dental pulp during decay cleaning.
With the use of these bioactive materials, many teeth that had to be extracted in the past can now be treated successfully.
Painless Electronic Dental Anesthesia
Dental treatments before anesthesia its implementation is uncomfortable for many people. Anesthesia anxiety There may also be cases where treatments are postponed. Electronic anesthesia Even in patients with needle phobia dental treatments It can be done easily. Applying electronically controlled constant pressure during local anesthesia eliminates the feeling of pain and provides a much more comfortable treatment experience.
3D Intraoral Scanner
Taking measurements from inside the mouth When necessary, in the traditional method, a soft impression material that takes the shape of the teeth is carried into the mouth with the help of impression trays, and the shape of the teeth and surrounding tissues is thus recorded. However, this method has some difficulties. Placing and removing large impression trays from the mouth is an uncomfortable process. The soft impression material can get into the throat during the measurement and cause discomfort. In addition, if the desired clarity is not achieved in any part of the measurement, it does not allow for correction, and the process may need to be repeated from scratch. If a problem occurs in the measurement taken at the technician stage, another session and a new measurement will be needed. This leads to serious loss of time and economic loss.
Intraoral scanner It is a piece of equipment that overcomes these difficulties. By moving a small camera around your teeth, the measurement of the inside of the mouth can be obtained in a very short time with great clarity in three dimensions. It eliminates errors that may occur during the measurement and provides healthier results. The measurement process can be easily carried out even in patients with nausea reflex. Since the measurement can be seen on the computer screen, it can be checked here and corrections can be made in the desired area. Since the measurement is sent to the technician over the internet, there is no risk of deterioration at this stage and it saves time.
Thanks to this technology Endodontic treatment made or restoration - renewed filling with great loss of matter restorations of teeth such as inlays, onlays or endocrowns can be completed in the same day. This browser also leaf, kron yada köprü like all prosthetic It is also used with the same success in applications.