Danla Biliç's Surprising Aesthetic Statement: The Filler Came Out of My Rib!

Danla Biliç's Plastic Surgery Experience

One of the social media phenomena of our country Danla Bilic, made remarkable statements about her plastic surgery operations in the programs she attended. Especially Aquafilling The regret he experienced about his application attracted the attention of many people. In this article, we will present detailed information about the process Danla Biliç went through and the difficulties he encountered during this process.

What is Aquafilling and What Are the Risks?

Aquafilling is known as a substance used to create a filling effect in the body. However, as can be understood from Danla Biliç’s experience, this filling application can lead to serious health problems. Biliç said, “Aquafilling"It is a substance that is banned from being injected into the body. I had lost a lot of weight at one point and wanted to try this application. However, I later learned that this is a filler that should not be injected into the body," he said, expressing his regret.

Plastic Surgery Process

Danla Biliç stated that she had two separate surgeries during this plastic surgery. The expected recovery process did not occur after the first operation and Biliç said, “"I will probably have surgery again. This process is not over," "This situation reveals how challenging cosmetic surgery can be when it doesn't go as planned.

Health Problems He Experienced

Biliç explained in detail the health problems he experienced after the plastic surgery."The filling went up to my rib. It is a substance that flows and slides in the body. An MRI is taken to see where it has moved to in the body. It is removed with surgery, but the filling that is hidden under the muscle can come out from somewhere else." He drew attention to the risks of the procedure by saying, “This situation shows how dangerous the fillers can be in the body.

Avoiding Risky Practices

Danla Biliç gave an important warning to people with his experience.I beg you, no one should do such a thing to their body,” He emphasized how risky aesthetic operations can be. Making decisions without sufficient information about fillers and other aesthetic applications can endanger health.

The Impact of Social Media and Conscious Choices

With the influence of social media, many people are opting for cosmetic surgery. However, it is extremely important to make conscious choices during this process. Danla Biliç's experience shows that even though we are looking for an aesthetic appearance, we should make a decision without risking our health. In this context, it is essential to consult a specialist doctor and do the necessary research before undergoing cosmetic surgery.

Healthy Aesthetic Options

Individuals looking for healthy and reliable options regarding aesthetic surgeries should first get information from specialist doctors. natural methods ve minimally invasive techniques It may be possible to achieve an aesthetic appearance with. These methods carry less risk and may have shorter recovery periods. In addition, adopting a healthy lifestyle can positively affect the aesthetic appearance.

Perception of Aesthetics in Society

In recent years, aesthetic applications have become widespread in society. However, this situation also has some negative effects. Young individuals in particular are trying to reach ideal beauty standards through social media, and this can lead to psychological problems. Therefore, it is important to question our aesthetic perception as a society and develop a healthy perspective.

As a result

Danla Biliç's aesthetic surgery experience reveals the risks of aesthetic applications and their negative effects on health. In this context, it is clear that individuals who are considering aesthetic surgery should make conscious and healthy choices. It should not be forgotten that not risking our health in the search for an aesthetic appearance should be a priority.