Expert Clinical Psychologist Kaan Üçyıldız provided information on the subject. While today's fast pace and the responsibilities of life can increase stress and anxiety levels, various emotional problems also negatively affect many people's lives. However, recent research and clinical observations show that cleaning can actually be an unexpectedly effective tool in coping with these mental difficulties.
Many people immediately start cleaning when they feel anxious or stressed. This is because cleaning, organizing, and removing clutter reduces anxiety, occupies the mind, helps the person focus on the present moment and distracts them from things that bother them, and also creates a sense of control.
Cleanliness and Mental Health: A Secret Healer
For many people, cleaning not only keeps the house tidy and healthy, but also enhances psychological well-being. Studies have revealed the stress-reducing and depression-relieving effects of cleaning.
So, what are the psychological benefits of cleaning?
1. Reduce Stress with Physical Activity
Cleaning helps the person to provide light physical activity. These physical movements release endorphins in the body, known as natural “happiness hormones”, which relax the person and improve their overall mood. Regular cleaning reduces the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body by working the muscles, and thus the person can feel calmer.
2. Strengthening the Sense of Control
Stress and anxiety are often triggered by a sense of loss of control. However, taking control of the space around you by cleaning can reduce this anxiety. Seeing everything neat and tidy creates a sense of relief and reinforces a sense of control. Especially for individuals with depression and anxiety, taking control of the environment can create a sense of inner balance.
3. Clearing of Thoughts
While cleaning, the mind also undergoes a kind of 'mental cleaning'. By regularly tidying up your surroundings, your mind can collect your thoughts and become calmer. Focusing on the moment, especially while cleaning, can relieve the effects of stressful and anxious thoughts. A slow and careful cleaning process can improve not only one's environment but also one's mental state.
4. Sense of Success and Self-Esteem
The sense of accomplishment that comes after cleaning can increase self-esteem. Being in a clean, organized environment can help a person feel better about themselves and develop a more positive perspective on their surroundings. Individuals who are experiencing depression may feel more valued and successful after cleaning, which can increase their self-confidence.
5. Emotional Release and Dealing with Uncontrolled Emotional Reactions
Depression and anxiety are often associated with emotional dysregulation. Cleaning can allow an individual to calm down emotionally, breathe, and understand their feelings more clearly. For those who experience anxiety and worry in particular, cleaning can be a means of relaxation and emotional control.
Cleaning is often seen as a physical necessity, but it can have a huge impact on our mental health. When dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression, keeping the space around us organized and clean can help us seek inner peace.
Cleaning allows us to clean not only the house but also our minds. Therefore, cleaning can be considered a therapeutic tool and should be evaluated as a simple but effective method that contributes to the psychological healing process.
Expert Clinical Psychologist Kaan Üçyıldız said, “Remember, a healthy environment is also necessary for a healthy mind. If you are experiencing emotional difficulties, in addition to improving daily habits such as cleanliness, you should definitely not neglect to seek professional support.”